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Re: to the rescue of CSF
by Andre Gunder Frank
26 July 2003 19:50 UTC
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second idea: chris chase-dunn's outfit at rivrside to run the thing? he
has  infrastructure necessary i hope
On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Gernot Koehler

> Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 11:12:44 +0200
> From: Gernot Koehler <gktbg1@tiscali.de>
> To: wsn@csf.colorado.edu
> Subject: to the rescue of CSF
> Sorry to read that CSF will be closing down. It is a unique and wonderful
> institution. The concept is fabulous. Politically, CSF provides an
> alternative to mainstream discourse - enlightenment, even if cacophonic. I
> am wondering whether there is a possibility of organizing a rescue of CSF.
> Could one not form a consortium for continuing CSF? I understand that
> financing is strictly private to date. Could one not find new donors in the
> world of foundations? I have no idea what the operation costs. Let us say,
> US dollars 100,000 per year? Various foundations might be able to in step
> in, individually or jointly. The public service provided by CSF is not only
> for American audiences and subscribers, but worldwide. There is nothing like
> it in Europe. Foundations and individual donors in other countries should
> also be called upon. Some subscribers of CSF could have good connections to
> help with that rescue.
> GK
> In response to:
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> csf also for post to psn et al
> by Andre Gunder Frank  21 July 2003
> Dear Don Roper
> I am writing for two reasons.
> One is to ask WHEN you really intend to close down csf.
> I ask because I have seen 3 different times/dates.
> Secondly but much more importantly, I hope that I speak for one and all in
> saying that we are as sad, but also as understanding, of your closing down
> csf, as we are very very grateful to you for the enormous service you and
> your csf have been offering us over all these long years, surely at
> considerable cost and sacrifice to yourself with nary a recompense, and
> mostly probably not even acknowledgement or knowledge, from the wider
> world to which and whom you have given so much.
> au revoir
> in another venue
> Gunder Frank


               ANDRE    GUNDER      FRANK

Senior Fellow                                      Residence
World History Center                    One Longfellow Place
Northeastern University                            Apt. 3411
270 Holmes Hall                         Boston, MA 02114 USA
Boston, MA 02115 USA                    Tel:    617-948 2315
Tel: 617 - 373 4060                     Fax:    617-948 2316
Web-page:csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/     e-mail:franka@fiu.edu


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