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Re: WEB INTELLIGENCE # 2 - jULY 23, 2003 (fwd)
by Michael Pugliese
24 July 2003 21:19 UTC
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Re: Chossudovsky source, "The American Free Press, " http://www.americanfreepress.net/
I read at the SFPL, latest issue July 11th, 2003. Full pg. pieces supporting Canadian Holocaust Denier, E. Zundel. (One of the noxious characters featured in the documentary, "Dr. Death, " primarily on Fred Leuchter, who denies anyone was gassed in the death chambers.) On the editorial board, such figures as the explicitly neo-fascist, Eustace Mullins (an acquaitance of Ezra Pound, when Ezra was committed to St. Elizabeths Mental Hospital after WWII, Mullins, among his many books, wrote, "Secrets of The Federal Reserve."
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm A few years ago on a small, "patriot" militia radio broadcast network, Eustace Mullins was a guest of the, "Christian Identity, " preacher, Rev. James Wickstrom. About 35-40 minutes into the interview the vicious anti-semitic blood libel that Jews kidnap Christian children and after torturing them, drink their blood.)
Here, is a taste, of the ideology of the American Free Press, whose publisher, Willis Carto, has a phrase to designate, African-Americans sub- humans as, "Mattoids." (See, "Willis Carto and the American Right, " Frank Mintz, circa early 70's.)
here comes the New World Order-the Global Plantation, as we call it.

You will either submit to it or fight against it, even if it hurts to fight. The NWO means unimaginable riches and power for the plutocrats but poverty and slavery for the rest of us. It means the total destruction of our traditional way of life, our Constitution, everything that millions of American men have suffered death, mutilation and a blighted life for. It means the end of our European heritage and culture, and will bring with it chaos, anarchy and dislocation on an unimaginable scale. It will be a reversal of the happy evolution to perfection that our "intellectuals" and "futurists" prate of. It begins the devolution of mankind to a lower state that our ancestors encountered for 10,000 years if not more. It will be the absolute antithesis of what has always been the goal of every philosopher and statesman since history began-stability and order.

You may wonder why it is that the manipulating bankers behind the scenes cannot see this. The reason is they equate life with money, and money is their life. Money is literally all they know. They deal with money and interest and financial finagling all day. They produce nothing. Banking is based on the big lie that there is something backing their loans. The "bottom line" is literally all they know. If something makes money, it is good. If not, it is bad. Life is very simple that way-and financially rewarding far more than an honest job that produces something for society. Bankers, having crafted a society that replaces God with mammon (riches), think of themselves as the rightful masters of the universe, no matter how debased that universe will become under their sterile control or how limited and distorted their knowledge (if any) of history may be.


-the Russian commander during World War II who defected against communism- referred to "that terrible synthesis of madness and crime that holds my suffering people in its grip." By "crime," of course, he meant the Soviet bosses of the most cruel and tyrannical political system we know of. At least 30 million Russians and others were murdered or starved to death for political reasons before the war (a fact, by the way, that was totally covered up by The New York Times and the rest of the "news" media in America-a good example of what is meant when that paper promises to print "all the news fit to print").

By "madness," he meant the sincere Marxist-Leninists whose support for the evil system they served was essential: the idealists and dreamers who actually believed Marx's painted lie. Under the delusion that if enough anti-communists or non-communists were killed, they believed that a perfect system would result and the state would "wither away." Stalin and his very practical gang of killers called them "useful idiots."

This is analogous to what is happening here in America today. The criminals are the super-rich, mattoidal bankers and plutocrats who are, for the sake of profit and power for themselves, determined to diminish Ameri ca to provinces of a world financial thing they control and the crazies are the idealists who yearn for world government, be lieving that all or most of the problems of mankind will be cured by heavy doses of multicult and "oneness." This sort of nut was described very well by author Bryam Campbell in his out-of-print book, World of Oneness. He called them "monists." They can't help it. They just hate human differences. They are unbalanced. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, you will find them guarding the escape, ready to waste any resisters...

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