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Re: projection of US power (Jane's)
by KenRichard2002
21 July 2003 00:37 UTC
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bin laden insisted that the US withdraw our troops from Saudi Arabia and in a way the US gov't is giving bin laden's image a boost in the arab world by preparing to withdraw the troops.    i consider the uss ronald reagan to be a virtual military base in itself.  and it floats. so it can be sent anywhere and do major damage from the relatively safe position of sitting in international waters.  my guess is that it will be used in any future us invasion on the african continent.  however, since there is so much fear of the black man in official circles,  one has to imagine that the military planners and defense contractors are busy working out the automated military systems,  killer drones,  remotely operated tanks, smart mines, etc.,  before any such invasion takes place.  one thing is for certain,  the center of gravity for the us economy is, was and unfortunately may always be w.a.r;  as an anti-fascist, i hope to one day read about the uss ronald reagan sinking in rough seas off the cape horn.

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