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Re: Comments on a Wallerstein article
by KenRichard2002
04 June 2003 04:19 UTC
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My own thoughts are that the United States may attempt to bleed French peacekeeping forces in the eastern DRC through covert funding and backstage political activity in Uganda.  I think in today's post Soviet world that type of activity,  the heating up of bloody, geo-political rivalries between former allies is likely to become manifest here and there around the globe.  The US and Britain are interested in displacing French interests in francophone Africa and one way they may go about this is by bloodying French peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

I firmly believe that the United States and Britain are interested in carving up the much of the central African basin.   In the Americas,  Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory to the United States and with it the entire Mississippi basin.  In the Congo, the United States and Britain are interested in the Congo River (Zaire) and the great agricultural basin which it feeds.  Sharp economic declines which are forecast in America's future may well lead to the kind of migration to Africa which European population explosion and economic difficulties generated in terms of migration from that continent to the Americas.  
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