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Re: The puzzle of the eonic effect
by Nemonemini
02 June 2003 03:45 UTC
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The eonic effect really is a puzzle, and can certainly be taken that way, a question to be answered about something that is obvious on one level, but makes no sense on another. Luke is perhaps going through a double take phase of seeing it, followed by a 'what?'  I am not in the business of hyping a theory, there is enough of that, and the eonic pattern explodes them all.
The only resolution of the dilemma is to consider different approachs, and consider what it tells us. How on earth could two separate times and places resonate in a large scale master sequence? Isn't it just nuts?
Actually, there is a simple answer, which is that data like this becomes transparent if we see that something stands beyond time and space. Then the puzzle starts to make sense. But that is the one thing current thought won't allow. This borders on the suspicious terrain of 'transcendental idealism', which is neither transcendental or ideal. We can detect this indirectly in the clear relation of eonic determination/free action to the famous antinomy of Kant. Whenever we spot these built in reality contradictions we are nearing the great gult, which is not unlike the relation of noumenal and phenomenal. These terms are dangerous. Take it to mean that we simply lack the total information, deep information is beyond perception. That's clear whenever something does this stop-start routine over great periods of time. How strange.
This is unacceptable in current thought which just spins in mental cycles ad infinitum.
So use the eonic model to relieve your mind from all these theory hype machines. They just spin in circles.
Master the eonic model and you can see at a glance where all these other theories are blundering.
The eonic model is not however a new Certainty. It is simply the built in riddle that is the explanation, except that we don't understand it. Relax and simply get the point.

John Landon
Website for
World History and the Eonic Effect
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