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Re: Hitler in the context of his times.
by Alan Spector
14 March 2003 05:20 UTC
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No, all it did was pave the way for the US to take over the role of imperialist superstar. The misery and deaths in the neo-colonial world has been just as terrible as it was before. The independence was often in name only, with economies and politics and military still dominated by imperialist powers. And while there were some temporary material gains, conditions in Africa today, as well as much of Asia and Latin America are not particularly better than when France and England directly ruled them......
Let's not get into choosing which imperialist is kinder and gentler
Alan Spector
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:44 PM
Subject: Hitler in the context of his times.

Although Adolph Hitler pursued an aggressive war policy against European regimes, many European states were no less racist or imperialist in their own way of thinking.  In devastating Europe's industrial infrastructure and dampening her appetite for war in general,  the Third Reich forced Europe to reconsider her colonial conquests on the African continent. One can fairly consider that the liberation granted and wars of liberation fought and won against European colonial overlords, whether German, Belgian, French, Portuguese or of the British Empire and, the freedoms won, were in part beneficial byproducts of WWII.   

Ken Richard
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