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Re: America's war against Europe (fwd)
by Threehegemons
06 March 2003 00:05 UTC
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I think the main hole in the 'War for the dollar' theory is that the US/Britian 
attacked Iraq in 1998, well before Iraq switched to the Euro.  And Wolfiwitz 
and Perle were also developing their theories about world domination well 
before this point.  I think any single causal theory of the war is flawed--I 
would note--the geo-strategic importance of the region because of potential oil 
flows to US rivals, the Euro situation, the oil market situation, the flexing 
of US power, the influence of the Israeli vision, attempts to penetrate the 
Middle East culturally..  I can't see how the UN resolutions have much to do 
with this war, however.

Steven Sherman

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