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Re: Powell's Exquisite Evidence: Internet Plagiarism
by Farrands, Christopher
12 February 2003 14:56 UTC
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Listen again to the OBN speech -or look at the text. It makes no connections
with Saddam at all. It calls on muslims to defend other muslims, including
the people of Iraq -but it condemns Saddam and his 'socialist' party and
government. MI6 got it exactly right in the report which Jack Straw and Tony
Blair condemned (well, rejected). The plagiarised report was cobbled (cooked
up) in No 10 not in MI6 (nor in the Joint Intelligence Committee). Look to
guilty journalists hacking in politics ....... MI6 do deserve a bit moer
credit than you give them here (!) even if they are hardly the most
reputable of outfits in many other respects. conspirary theory may sometimes
be absolutely right, but let's try to identify the conspirators more

Of course you may still be right in your second para!

> ----------
> From:         Carl Nordlund
> Sent:         Tuesday, February 11, 2003 9:49 pm
> To:   wsn@csf.colorado.edu
> Subject:      VB: Powell's Exquisite  Evidence: Internet Plagiarism
> This is interesting:
> http://europe.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/02/11/sprj.irq.wrap/index.html
> Osama bin Laden more or less disproving MI6:s conclusion: hey look y'all,
> we're real buddies, me and Mr Hussein.
> To start off with, what I find interesting here is the timing of this
> message. Either Osama, alive and kicking, want the allegded Iraq -
> al-Qaeda
> connection accentuated (something Blair  & c:o utterly have failed to do),
> thus further increasing US public opinion for going to war with Iraq,
> which
> in turn most probably would reinforce al-Qaedas own agenda of increased
> support for getting rid of US forces in Saudi and the Gulf, as well as
> recruiting more followers to "the base", of course sacrificing Iraq in the
> process but hey, they're too secular anyway according to Mr Osama.
> But apparently, Mr Powell today knew in advance that al-Jazeera was going
> to
> broadcast an audio tape from Osama later today. Which is of course highly
> surprising, unless Mr Powell himself practiced his impersonating skills
> earlier today. And it's an incredible coincidence that this alledged Osama
> statement is released just a couple of days after Powell's and Blair's
> utter
> failure to convince the public and the reasonable intelligent governments
> to
> go to war.
> -----
> Carl Nordlund, BA, PhD student
> carl.nordlund(at)humecol.lu.se
> Human Ecology Division
> www.humecol.lu.se

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