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by Alan Spector
26 January 2003 15:33 UTC
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My previous posting about moderation was a comment about censorship, and my guess that there probably was no serious censorship on WSN that was causing a drop in messages.
 However, the other criticism, that of a long time-lag between posting and appearing is a different issue and a serious one. On a list which I "moderate", I check it several times/day, so that there is never a time-lag more than a few hours.
I  have only "censored" one relevant posting in about seven years (it was abusive and libelous)---on the other hand, I "reject" about fifteen messages a day (that would be A LOT of e-mail clutter for each listmember) for offers for phony "commissions" if the reader will help an African heir hide his/her departed-dictator-daddy's inheritance if you just send your bank account number, telephone, and social security number--------- or for CHEAPER MORTGAGES---------- or a "pyramid scheme" where you send five dollars to each of 6 people and you will receive $420,000 within a week---I even saw one that took PayPal (a kind of credit card) --------or a chance to buy a CD with 120 million e-mail addresses on it so that you can flood the internet with schemes like that one--------------or a chance to buy pills to increase the size of a man's.....er, we'll just leave that one alone. 
Of course, it all depends on who is doing the "censoring", I suppose. But the time-lag problem...that could be serious. On another (moderated) list, PSN, there are three moderators, and again, the time lag is seldom more than a few hours.
I don't have an answer to WSN, but I did want to put those thoughts into the discussion.
Alan Spector
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