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NEWS/AUDIO: Constitutional Laywer comparing North America(Canada/United States) to Europe, post 9-11 law changes
by Mark Douglas Whitaker
08 December 2002 22:58 UTC
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Subject: NEWS/AUDIO: Constitutional Laywer comparing all North America 
[Canada and United States] to Europe, post 9-11 law changes:

[Excuse the post, though I think it has some important words to say, I want 
some people to listen to this. 20 minutes. Well worth it.]

Constitutional lawyer, on comparing North America/Canadian post 9-11 law
"What is this rhetoric of "give examples?!" We have been living this for
two years. . ."

Rocco Galati: Boycotts are an act of treason under the new
Homeland Security Act

by x  Saturday December 07, 2002 at 03:35 AM

"Boycotts are an act of treason under the new Homeland
Security Act. ... It is an act of treason punishable by 40 years to
advocate a  boycott in America now."

audio: MP3 at 9.0 megabytes

Canadian constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati was interviewed
by CKUT radio.  He presents his analysis on the Homeland Security act,
trends in the U.S., Canada and the world.  The quote above is from CKUT's radio
interview, and the MP3 file is attached.  The full program description can
be seen here:


The talk that he gave (noted in the radio interview) is also
online and available here:


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