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Re: Info on Free Trade Zones?
by Threehegemons
19 November 2002 03:36 UTC
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Naomi Klein's No Logo, p. 202-229 has an excellent description of labor 
conditions in export processing zones, as they are more correctly described.  I 
usually mention to my students that conditions beyond EPZs in the periphery and 
semi-periphery aren't rosy.  Within the context of the capitalist world system, 
there is a huge labor glut (which the core manages through immigration 
controls), which isn't exactly the creation of the world bank.  The book "The 
Internationalization of Palace Wars" (a little difficult for undergrads) 
suggests that the World Bank's employees do not see themselves as the authors 
of the neoliberal 'Washington Consensus', and, in contrast to the perception of 
the IMF/World Bank by outsiders,they see themselves as easily pushed around and 
frustrated by the imperatives of certain governments and capital. 

Steven Sherman

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