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Q: maps of isolated state formation, globally?
by Mark Douglas Whitaker
28 October 2002 19:01 UTC
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        A question, I am in the process of assembling a map of
various geographically isolated state formation events in world history 
(knowing of course that trade in many cases would be older than states).

Has it already been done somewhere? Where would one find a map or a discussion
listing various examples of geographic (terrorital) isolated state
formation examples in world history? Isolated, meaning, at least at one
time being jurisdictionally separate instead of abutting another state
(like Egypt, and Mesopotamian states sharing knowledge of each other and
trade though having a sizable buffer between them until around 1500 or so
I believe; like Oaxaca states of Aztecs, like Peruvians/Incan state
expanding--that's what I mean.)

        Do I hear a reply from Dr. Chase-Dunn, who has done so much work
on territorial scale issues of world empires? ;-)  Anyone plotted the
separate locations/areas for nascent territorial states?


Mark Whitaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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