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Re: NYTimes.com Article: Dead Parrot Society (fwd)
by Threehegemons
26 October 2002 09:22 UTC
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US politics and Israeli politics often seem quite similar, like the two are in 
a fractal relationship, with the former playing out on a large scale what the 
latter is playing out on a smaller one.  So here it should be noted:  (1) 
everyone is constantly pointing out that Sharon has no coherent long term 
strategy.  (2) Despite Sharon's rule, Israeli popular opinion has not moved 
much to the right if you ask questions like 'are you in favor of dismantling 
the settlements?' (3)It nevertheless does not appear that Sharon is going to be 
thrown out anytime soon, and in fact the left seems to have imploded.

Is this the near-term future of the US?

Steven Sherman

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