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Fwd: Exporting health by Threehegemons 21 May 2002 02:24 UTC |
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Interesting article from Le Monde Diplomatique about the global movement of health care workers. Steven Sherman
Le Monde diplomatique ----------------------------------------------------- May 2002 GLOBAL MARKET IN MEDICAL WORKERS Exporting health _______________________________________________________ There is now an international trade in doctors and nurses, and every year poor countries lose both the $500m that it has cost them to train health workers recruited by the developed world, and the health workers, who could be crucial to a permanent improvement in conditions in the South. by DOMINIQUE FROMMEL * _______________________________________________________ The United Kingdom began to recruit doctors from abroad in December 2001; it had realised that, for the National Health Service to work properly, it would need 8-10,000 more doctors by 2004. Earlier in the year South Africa had asked Canada to stop recruiting South African doctors to make up for a shortfall of general practitioners in rural Canadian areas; South Africa had recruited 350 Cuban doctors (1) to cover for the exodus of locally trained staff. Ireland hired 55 anaesthetists from India and Pakistan in 2000. Even Sweden, with its welfare system, has had to recruit 30 Polish doctors. In the United States 23% of doctors qualified abroad; in the UK about 20% of doctors are Asian in origin; in France 8,000 doctors trained abroad, 4,400 outside Europe. Many of these are on night call in children's and maternity wards, and X-ray departments of state-run hospitals. But they do not qualify for the same conditions or salaries as do their French colleagues. The Gulf states employ 20,000 doctors, mostly from the Indian subcontinent, though such South-South migration is usually temporary (2). This talent drain has serious consequences. By 2000 only 360 of 1,200 doctors who had been trained in Zimbabwe in the 1990s were still working there. Half of the doctors who qualified in Ethiopia, Ghana and Zambia have left home, and many of them no longer work in medicine in their host country. The available statistics about voluntary immigrants and refugees, and nationals born abroad, are not detailed enough to get an accurate picture of migratory movements (3). The shortage of nurses is even more acute. In 2000 the UK hired more than 8,000 nurses and midwives from outside the European Union, to join 30,000 overseas nurses already working in state and private hospitals. Forecasts for the US, France and the UK predict a shortfall of tens of thousands of qualified staff by 2010. Science has always gained from the circulation of people and ideas, and medicine is no exception. In the Middle Ages, doctors travelled to study in the famous schools of Alexandria, Cordoba, Bologna or Montpellier. Later they sailed with explorers. After Louis Pasteur's medical discoveries, they travelled all over the world and founded tropical medicine. Now only a few doctors still work in Christian missions and Western experts have not replaced them. Nor have NGOs. The flow of doctors and nurses has changed direction since former colonies gained independence. Increased demand in industrialised countries partly accounts for this. The structural adjustment plans imposed by international funding agencies at the beginning of the 1980s, and their disastrous effect on health budgets, are also responsible. People do not emigrate just because they are poor and need to earn, or because behaviour patterns change. They mainly leave because they think countries in the North offer qualified professionals a life and career opportunities on a par with their education. Many factors are more important than material benefits (4) political instability, ethnic discrimination, professional dissatisfaction (with bureaucracy, salary arrears, autocratic management, isolation), the gap between learning and achievement, family life. The reasons why doctors lose interest in their work are complex. One, which affects both rich and poor countries and is often glossed over, is a crisis in medical thought. Consciously or not, doctors believe that medicine is the solution to human problems. This mirage, which is often given as the reason for entering the profession, soon disappears when material resources run short, and leads to frustration and anger. For most doctors in developing countries, there is no scope for laboratory tests to confirm a diagnosis. The right pharmaceuticals are not available. Minimum standards of hygiene are not possible. Those who are lucky enough to consider emigrating must resolve a dilemma between loyalty to their country, and their duty to care for the sick. Vain hopes In its Health for All by the Year 2000 initiative (5), the World Health Organisation (WHO) set targets for developing countries. It aimed to provide a doctor for every 5,000 people and a qualified nurse for every 1,000 people, with improved access to treatment, particularly in rural areas. But market forces, unrealistic funding agencies and negligent governments have shattered these hopes. The world average now is one doctor for 4,000 people: but that is one for 500 in Western countries, one for 2,500 in India and one for 25,000 in the 25 poorest countries. Free circulation of doctors, nurses and paramedics has created a health gap in developing countries. The international bodies responsible for deciding policy on health and fighting social inequality have little to say about this. Since 1979 neither the WHO nor the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have published reports on the consequences of this trend for deprived populations (6). The World Bank has produced many studies celebrating the benefits of free markets, but it has not assessed the flow of funds resulting from exchanges of human capital. It no doubt prefers to disregard UN resolution 2417 on the "outflow of trained professional and technical personnel from the developing countries", which bans poaching of specialist professions (7). A country's health service does not contribute directly to its gross domestic product. A WHO document, Health for All in the 21st Century, published in 1995, focuses on resources required for a global health policy. But it makes no attempt to control the movement of medical skills (8). And the WHO does not take account of missing doctors and nurses when calculating average lost years of good health an index that factors in premature death and disability. Nor does the UNDP take the brain drain into account in its human development index for each country. It may be impossible to quantify the suffering of people deprived of healthcare, but it is very clear just why infant and maternal mortality has stopped declining. Now that public opinion is critical of the global market, the WHO director general has set up a commission on macroeconomics and health to propose a new approach to investment (9). In its report the commission challenges the usual argument that health inevitably improves with economic growth, stressing rather that improved health is essential to development and social progress in low-income countries. It calls for a new pact for health to redefine relations between donor and beneficiary countries. But it scarcely mentions the medical staff required to put proposals into practice. To achieve its objectives, the global fund to fight Aids, tuberculosis, and malaria will need teams of doctors and social workers, in particular to be responsible for monitoring patients treated with antiretroviral drugs. It is never easy to evaluate the cost of training doctors, which varies in different parts of the world. It is equally difficult to assess the impact on health services and development. But we can assume that it costs about $60,000 to train a general practitioner in the South and $12,000 for a paramedic. On this basis, developing countries are subsidising North America, Western Europe and Australasia at about $500m a year (10). The World Trade Organisation (WTO), always quick to defend the prerogatives of multinational pharmaceutical groups, seems incapable of understanding how important doctors are to prescribing drugs. Is the WTO counting on street market traders to boost prescription drug sales (11)? Two way benefits Is there an inexpensive way of discouraging rich countries from poaching scientists from poorer countries (12)? Several solutions are possible. The first, far from new, has recently attracted attention (13): host countries should compensate those countries that originally trained their doctors and nurses. But it would be hard to apply such a measure without strict international rules. Poor countries could obstruct emigration, or delay it, introducing compulsory community service before qualification. Host countries could demand higher qualifications. But banning emigration will not prevent the deterioration of treatment and government decisions have little real effect on migration. The second solution, more far-reaching, would be to bolster the medical profession's image in developing countries. At present doctors cannot effectively deal with the needs of patients because their training is based on a universal concept of curative, scientific medicine that gives marginal importance to public health education. Before doctors can acquire the intellectual and practical tools they need to identify with the development of their countries, they must break with the ideology behind the training founded by former colonial powers (14). The new perspective would give priority to preserving health rather than treating disease. It would focus more on the community, less on individuals. It would demand teamwork between different disciplines to reconcile cure and prevention. Hospitals, which only benefit a minority, would have to stop being the only places where quality treatment can be dispensed. This change would oblige management and practitioners to justify their acts to society rather than just to international funding agencies. But the switch from a universal approach to an integrated one, based on recognising regional differences and optimising local resources, would be likely to endorse the principle of two-tiered healthcare, one for rich countries, and another for poor ones. And though the West might stop recognising Southern professional qualifications, making it more difficult for health professionals to emigrate, the brightest students would leave anyway. Some 75% of graduates from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences continue their studies in the West (15). It seems likely that, with the international community disregarding their scientific work, the status of doctors who opt to stay at home would decline. There is no single answer to the problem. The countries of the South are not all the same, and co-operation must take account of their diversity and what is at stake short and medium term. Some countries (Cuba, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Israel and the Philippines) train more doctors than they can employ. Others (US, Canada and the UK), train too few to keep doctor-patient ratios at a set level. Limiting individual mobility will not prevent emigration by health workers. Another solution seems more promising: finding ways to encourage qualified staff to stay put or even return home. This gives everyone equal access to healthcare and encourages investment in education and health. Increasing availability of information and communications technology provides scope for new methods, such as distance learning workshops and interactive networks. The workshops act as virtual medical schools, backed by a university in the South and a teaching hospital in Europe or North America. The hospital is responsible for keeping course content up to date and giving students access to specialist libraries. Interactive networks connect expatriate doctors to colleagues at home. Such networks give a new shape to an intellectual and scientific diaspora, fostering North-South collaboration, promoting abroad the work of those who stay at home, and finding ways for emigrants to return temporarily or permanently. There are already more than 40 networks, operating in 30 countries. Their membership ranges from dozens to hundreds (16). By restoring links with home, while remaining abroad, expatriates can contribute to their countries' development. The UNDP and the International Organisation for Migration are funding the Tokten (transfer of knowledge through expatriate nationals) programme to encourage return. But so far it has had only a limited effect on health services. It is difficult to predict population and economic growth, and harder to forecast human resources requirements; and the brain drain is not the uniform result of a single policy affecting the world. Human, cultural and social differences in developing and developed countries have to be considered. The fate of doctors and nurses should be decided neither by directives on world trade by rich countries and the WTO, nor by uncoordinated laws passed by poor countries. It is time for the WHO to honour its mandate and define a healthy world based on solidarity and ethical values. The WHO could prompt a debate on the future of trading in public services, involving all UN agencies, economic development and funding agencies, and experts in international law. The objective would be to draw up a convention on international recruitment. It would stipulate the conditions under which developed countries may recruit health workers in countries that are short-staffed (17). This would complement international agreements on qualifications and consolidate the right to good health recognised by the Declaration of Human Rights. ____________________________________________________ * Doctor, former lecturer at the universities of Minnesota, Paris, Addis Ababa and Calcutta (1) Cuba trains more doctors than it needs. It has agreements with several African countries, some of which include financial compensation. (2) On changes in migration policy, see Joaquín Arango, "Expliquer les migrations: un regard critique", Revue internationale des Sciences Sociales, Unesco, Paris, September 2000. (3) See Sabine Cessou, "Fuite des cerveaux: L'Afrique part en croisade", Marchés tropicaux, Paris, 23 February 2001, no 2889. Stephen S Mick, Shoou-Yih D Lee, Walter P Wodchis, "Variations in geographical distribution of foreign and domestically trained physicians in the United States: 'safety net' or 'surplus exacerbation'", Social Science and Medicine, Blackwell, Oxford, vol 50, January 2000. (4) See Marc-Eric Gruénais and Roland Pourtier (ed), "La santé en Afrique", Afrique Contemporaine, Paris, n° 195, July-September 2000, in particular Marie Badaka, "Profession: médecin". (5) Health for All was adopted in 1977 and launched at the Alma Ata conference in 1978. (6) Alfonso Mejìa, Helena Pizurki, Erica Royston, "Physician and Nurse Migration: Analysis and Policy Implications", WHO, Geneva, 1979. (7) General Assembly, 23rd session, Resolution 2417 (XXIII) "Outflow of trained professional and technical personnel at all levels from the developing to the developed countries, its causes, its consequences and practical remedies for the problems resulting from it", 1745th plenary session, 17 December 1968. (8) WHO, Regional Office for Europe, Health 21 - "Health for all in the 21st century", WHO, Copenhagen, 1999. (9) Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (led by Jeffrey S Sachs) Investing in health for economic development, WHO,Geneva, 20 December 2001. See also Amartya Sen, "Health in Development", WHO Bulletin, volume 77, September 1999. (10) Sophie Boukhari in "Diplômés aux enchères", Courrier de l'Unesco, Paris, September 1998, estimates the annual cost of the brain drain as a whole as $10bn. (11) See Jeanne Maritoux, Carinne Bruneton, Philippe Bouscharin, "Le secteur pharmaceutique dans les États africains francophones", Afrique Contemporaine, July-September 2000, n° 195. In West Africa 25% to 40% of drugs are peddled on markets. (12) The US Bureau of Labour Statistics forecasts that growth in healthcare services will increase by 30% between 1996 and 2006, accounting for 3.1m jobs, numerically the largest increase in all sectors in the US ("Occupational statistics outlook", Statistics Handbook 1998-1999). In France, 35,000 to 80,000 new hospital jobs are due to be created by 2004. (13) Peter E Bundred, Cheryl Levitt, "Medical Migration: Who are the real losers?", The Lancet, London, vol 356, 15 July 2000. (14) In industrialised countries, the content and funding of medical training have also drawn criticism. See, in particular, Arnold S Relman, "The crisis of medical training in America. Why Johnny can't operate", The New Republic, Washington DC, 10 February 2000. (15) Sanjoy Kumar Nayak, "International migration of physicians: Need for new policy directions. (Interpreting new evidence with reference to India)" European Association of Development, Research and Training Institutes (EADI), 8th General Conference, Vienna, 11-14 September 1996. (16) Jacques Gaillard, Anne Marie Gaillard, "Fuite des cerveaux, retours et diasporas" , Futuribles, Paris, n° 228, February 1998. Jean-Baptiste Meyer, "Expatriation des compétences africaines: l'option diaspora de l'Afrique du Sud", Afrique contemporaine, n° 190, 2nd quarter, 1999. (17) Tikki Pang, Mary Ann Lansang and Andy Haines make a similar proposal in "Brain drain and health professionals" British Medical Journal, London, vol 324, 2 March 2002. Translated by Harry Forster ____________________________________________________ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 1997-2002 Le Monde diplomatique <http://MondeDiplo.com/2002/05/10health>
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