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Call to the Muslim Nation
by Seyed Javad
11 April 2002 01:58 UTC
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From: snews@sipj911.com
To: seyedjavad@hotmail.com
Subject: Call to the Muslim Nation
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 19:05:47 -0400
Students for International Peace and Justice
10th of April 2002 06:57:47 PM
This email answers my prayers because I want to march into a free Palestine. I want this email circulated across the Seven Seas and Seven Continents.
This is a roughly translated "Bayyan". Obviously some of these points are not related to us, but we can call on governments and participate in
demonstrations and do anything in our legal means to defend these armless civilians and Masjid Al Aqsa.
Allahu Akbar, Walilah Al Hamd,
In the name of Allah, The Most compassionate, The Merciful
This is a Call to the Scholars of the Muslims Ummah (Nation), the Muslim Intellectual leaders, and the Arab and Islamic nations.
Allah the exalted says: “To those who against who the War is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are oppressed, and verily Allah is the Most capable to give them victory. Those who were expelled from their homes with out any justification, except they say Allah is our Lord.”
Chapter 22 A39-40
To the masses of the Arab and the Muslim Nations everywhere. The heroic Palestinian people have entered a battle against the Zionist enemy, and are resisting against their heavy machinery weapons. They are resisting against an
enemy that is committing barbaric massacre, who make no difference between an infant, a woman, elders, and men. These Zionists are cutting off the supply of medicine, electricity, food, and even water. The streets of the Palestinian
cities are filled with dead bodies that have no body to burry them. The streets are painted with the flowing blood of the injured and the dead. Our brothers and sisters are calling upon us, anybody to help them, but to no avail, no one
is responding to their call.
Yet, all this is not stopping the children of this heroic nation to offer themselves and their own blood to defend themselves.
To masses of this Nation, the Palestinian people have entered this battle; indeed they are doing it on behalf of the Arab Nations and the Islamic
The bodies of the men and women of Palestine are shields against the Zionist agenda, which its greater target is to destroy the entire Islamic Ummah.
With all these hardships, the Palestinian people, AL Mujahideen, are offering their own souls to defend the honor of this Ummah. They are holding themselves steadfast against these Zionist attacks. They have realized that Muslim
Ummah governments have betrayed them, and they realized that they only can depend on
themselves. Our Ummah (governments) have turned their back on the Palestinian people and they act like they haven’t heard the words of Allah, the
exalted, where He says, “And why should you not fight in the cause of God, and of those who being weak, from the men, women, and children, whose cry is: Our lord rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise from us a Wali (one who protect) and raise from us one who will help.” Chapter 4 A75
In this time they posses (the Arab and Islamic nations) all the military and army capabilities. Therefore, some of the scholars and thinkers of the Islamic Ummah are signing this historic document to affirm, as religious leaders, that
Jihad is an Obligation (Fardh ‘ain) on the Muslims at this crucial time. We have the obligation of giving victory to the people of Palestine and we should try to liberate the land and its holy places from the hands of the
Based on this, they (the scholars who signed this document), are asking the Muslim Ummah to put pressure on the leaders to call onto the following:
1- Call for a state of emergency in their country and prepare people to for Jihad to liberate Holy Land from the Zionist regime.
2- Apply pressure to cut off oil on Israel and America, the strategic partner in killing the Palestinian. The scholars are calling on all the Arab and Islamic nations to follow the footstep of Iraq in cutting off exporting oil for one
3- Cutting all diplomatic, economic, and security relations and to stop all
normalization with the Zionist state of Israel. All Muslim countries should close all Israeli embassies and consulates in all Islamic countries.
4- To come up with means to support any efforts that strengthen the resistance in Palestine. And to go to demonstrations to support the Palestinian people and to make that day of Al Jum’aa 4-12-ţ2002 a day of outrage against the
barbaric massacres committed against the Palestinians.
5- To increase the assistance to the Palestinian people by any means possible.
Money, food, armory, etc…
6- To allow the general Muslim public to demonstrate as a form of expressing their anger about what’s going in Palestine.
7- Send letters to the world governments, human right institutions to carry its responsibility and stop the blood shed in Palestine.
8- Boycotts all Zionist and American products in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
9- Calling on all government and independent media offices to be in the service of this battle against the Zionists propaganda.
O Allah we have convey O Allah be our witness
Signed by:
1- Shaykh Mustafa Mashhour, The supreme guide of the Muslim brotherhood
2- Shaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi, Head of Al Sunna research department,
University of Qatar
3- Ayatulah Syed Hussein Fadlulah, Religious scholar, Lebanon
4- Qadi Hussein Ahmed, The leader of Jam’aa Islami, Pakistan
5- Shaykh Mutei Al Rahman Nezami, Leader of Jama’aa Islami, Bangladesh
6- Professor Najmu Deen Arbakan, Previous prime minister, Turkey
7- Shaykh Muhamad Sirraj Al deen, The leader of Jama’aa Islami, India
8- Shaykh Esam AL Atar, leader and author, Syria
9- Shaykh Abusalam Yassin, The supreme spiritual leader for Justice and
Spirituality, Morocco
10- Al Syed Hasan Nasrulah, Leader of Hizbu’llah
11- Aytulah Ali Taskiry, President of the Islamic culture relation, Iran
12- Shaykh Ahmed yassin, Leader of Hamas, Palestain
13- Dr. Usama Al takriti, President of the Islamic party, Iraq
14- Ustadh Ma’muun Al Hudaiby, Assistance of the Leader of Al Ikwan, Egypt
15- Shaykh Mahfuz Nahnah, leader of Peace Society, Algeria
16- Shaykh Rashid Al Ghanouch, Leader of AL Nahda, Tunisia
17- Ustadh Fadel Nur, Leader of the Islamic movement Malaysia
18- Shaykh Faisal Mawlawi, leader Of Jam’aa Islami, Lebanon
19- Shaykh Yaseen Abdul Aziz, Assistant to the leader of the Islah, Yemen
20- Ustadh Fathi Yakun, President of majlis Al shura Jama’aa Islami, Lebanon
21- Shaykh Abul Majid Zindani, President of Majlis Al Shura Islah, Yemen
22- Dr. Saleem Al Awaa, Islamic thinker, Egypt
23- Ustadh Munir Shafiq, Islamic thinker Palestine
24- Shaykh Abdullah Al Ahmar, president of Islah Islamic movement, Yemen
25- Dr. Ramadan Abdullah, president of Al Jihad Movement, Palestine
26- Ustadh Ali Sadr Al Deen Bayanuni, Leader of the Muslim brotherhood,
27- Shaykh Abdallah jab, President of Islah movement, Algeria
28- Ustadhh Abdul majid Zinaybat, Leader of the Muslim brotherhood, Jordan
29- Shaykh Abdul Rashid Turabi, leader of the Jam’aa islami, Kashmir
30- Shaykh Rashid AL Haj, Leader of jam'aa Islami srylanca
31- Dr. Ahmed Azzam, leader of the Youth Islamic movement, Malaysia
32- Dr. Muhammad Hedayah, Leader of the Justice party, Indonesia
33- Shaykh Ibraheem Bam, General secretary for the scholars of South Africa
34- Ustadh jameel mansour, From the Ummah part. Mauritania
35- Shayku Musa Aradu, president of Al Islam committee in Africa, Nigeria
And many more check the Arabic list…
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