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Re: Appeal from Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Founder of "Hamas"- Palistine
by Seyed Javad
04 April 2002 15:21 UTC
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Dear Jonathan and all,
Thx for reminding me about the legal aspect of this email. However, before alerting me about this legal issue and informing me about 'propagation', you should have read my note first. I did not simply forwarded the email I made a note and then send it.  Do you remember during the Apartheid when Nelson Mandella and his allies were stigmatised as terrorists? Or during the colonial time, you may not have been under any colonial system, when Ghandi and Sheyk Shamil (from Chechnya who was called the father of Terrosim in Caucaus by Russians and his nephews are considered as such even today by Putin and European Union) were considered as 'out-laws'?
SO, I think, at least, in this intellectual forum we should not act like media apes and see the points through a clearer prism. And about the last quote, you should hav eknown by that that was not my point but a quote from Quran. 
If making a comment on an email in an intellectual forum makes me an outlaw,  then I am sorry to say that we need to look at the basis of our laws and those who make these laws for us.

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