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Re: the Eurocentric bath water, the baby, and AGF
by Andre Gunder Frank
21 March 2002 18:40 UTC
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You got me and IT wrong.
Forget about the rhetoric and look at the real world/weather. 
''Dev of Undev'' did and still does exist in fact
''capitalism'' did and still does not in fact exist
        its not a question of where or when it came from

        it never did. giving the past,present and forseeably future
        reality the ''cap'' name and attributing the specific
        characxteristics to the rea;lity that ''cap'' comes loaded with
        only leads to tyerrible misundersanding of what we see
        and obscures a lot from sight that is there and even more


               ANDRE    GUNDER      FRANK

Senior Fellow                                      Residence
World History Center                    One Longfellow Place
Northeastern University                            Apt. 3411
270 Holmes Hall                         Boston, MA 02114 USA
Boston, MA 02115 USA                    Tel:    617-948 2315
Tel: 617 - 373 4060                     Fax:    617-948 2316
Web-page:csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/     e-mail:franka@fiu.edu


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