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Re: Searching for trade statistics
by kjkhoo
18 March 2002 02:20 UTC
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At 10:19 PM +0100 17/3/02, Carl Nordlund wrote:
>Hello WSN,
>Does anyone out there have any structural trade statistics readily 
>available in electronic format, ie trading statistics for a set of 
>countries containing trading volumes between pairs of countries? At 
>the moment, basically any time period and set of countries should do 
>pretty fine - I am just calibrating a network-visualization 
>algorithm I am working on, so no specific time period, set of 
>countries or types of goods/materials are necessary, though 

Have you tried the US ITC database? It covers trade between the US 
and any set of countries you wish to select, and you can have it 
formatted as csv, tab-delimited, etc.

kj khoo

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