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Re: Transnational Terrorism (Stemplowski, editor)
by pat lauderdale
16 March 2002 19:40 UTC
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THE STATE OF TERROR by Annamarie Oliverio published in 1998 by SUNY Press, with 
Foreword by Gunder Frank presents a serious theory of terrorism.  And, it 
'voices' the
role of praxis and a useful analysis of Gramsci, rather than the Cliff notes' 
found in most recent academic work.

Since I've been a reader of  Derluguian, I'm amazed by the comment below:

p28 "To the best of my knowledge, no serious theory of terrorism has
been ever attempted. Perhaps this is because the experts on terrorism
are mostly a variety of criminologists working closely with the
governmental police and intelligence bureaucracies."

g kohler wrote:

> New book:
> Ryszard  Stemplowski (editor),
> Transnational Terrorism in the World System Perspective
> Warsaw: The Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2002
> ISBN 83-915767-4-4
> to give the gist of the book, here is one quotation per author, authors
> in order of appearance in the volume --
> Stemplowski (Editor)
> p7 "Trans-national Terrorism (TnT) is a resultant of uneven development
> (. . .), the Middle East conflict, peculiarities of the relationship
> between religion and the state, internal rift in the Muslim societies,
> communications and transportation globalisation"
> Bergesen and Lizardo
> p19 "Today's struggles between militant Islamic terrorists in the Middle
> East and the United States share similarities with past periods." -
> e.g., situation of the Balkans and Europe.prior to World War I
> Derluguian
> p28 "To the best of my knowledge, no serious theory of terrorism has
> been ever attempted. Perhaps this is because the experts on terrorism
> are mostly a variety of criminologists working closely with the
> governmental police and intelligence bureaucracies."
> Denemark
> p62 "Economic upswings and downswings are prime causes of ethnic
> violence, a form of conflict in which terror plays an unfortunately
> large role."
> Escude
> p94 "Regaining hegemony through successful exploitative domination, in
> the right place and at the right time, might indeed be the duty of the
> United States towards a human species that could not survive a crisis of
> hegemony in the context of the new era and its novel threats."
> Fox
> p114 "Religious terrorism is at least in part a product of the world
> system."
> Debski, Foks, Gorka-Winter
> p130 "As the fight against terrorism requires the activity of many
> citizens, such contacts may give rise to a further strengthening of ties
> even between societies that hitherto have shown mistrust to one
> another."
> Bolechow
> p153 "Today the key question is how we can fight the threat without
> destroying the values that prove the identity and success of open
> societies."
> Adamishin
> p166 ". . . fair and democratic world order creation. And this, to my
> mind, will be the best means to fight international terrorism."
> Laqueur
> p182 "If in the recent past the nuclear balance could act as a
> deterrent, it will be much more difficult to find deterrents in the
> future."
> GK
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