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Re: Study on Media, Defence and Security
by Daniel Pineu
31 January 2002 18:13 UTC
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I am hard pressed with work right now, so I cannot give you a full set of references on that subject. I would suggest, howevere, that you take a look at a few publications by Dr. Susan carruthers, presently teachina at Dept. International Politics, Aberystwyth. She has researched and written extensively on the relationship between media, foreign policy and warfare. I would especially recommend:
War, Culture and the Media ed. with Ian Stewart (Flicks Books, Trowbridge, 1996) which is a co-edited book comprising a series of essays about the topic you ask about, precisely
The Media At War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century (Macmillan, September 1999). Her own book on the subject
For a complete list of her publications, please refer to: http://www.aber.ac.uk/~inpwww/cymraeg/staff/carruthers_pub.html
Her contact as well as her homepage can be found at: http://www.aber.ac.uk/~inpwww/cymraeg/staff/carruthers.html
Hope this helps, sorry for not being able to provide any more help.
Best regards,
Daniel Pinéu
BA (Hons.) Political Science and International Relations
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
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