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by George Snedeker
29 December 2001 22:20 UTC
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has anyone read Fred Hallidays new book: TWO HOURS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD?
this book actually has only three chapters which were written after Sept.
11. the other chapters were written before 9/11 and provide background for
the attack on the WTC. halliday is a British Marxist who writes from a
European perspective on terrorism. I don't think he is very sympathetic
toward the people of the "Middle East."his analysis suffers from what Edward
Said has called "orientalism." according to Halliday, the terrorists have
disrupted the normal operations of a Europe centered capitalist world
system. I am not sure what his position was on the Gulf War. he seems to
think that we needed to stop Iraq from its aggression.  I would be
interested in hearing a response on this book from anyone who has read it.

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