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new e-book fyi
by Jozsef Borocz
03 December 2001 15:00 UTC
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Contributors and editors are pleased to announce the much-delayed, but
finally real, publication of the new e-book


        Edited by József Böröcz and Melinda Kovács

        available online at http://www.mirhouse.com/ce-review/Empire.pdf (an
        imprint of the online journal Central Europe Review)

We would be very pleased if you found our work interesting enough to engage
in your writing or teaching. With comments, please write to


Table of Contents:

"Introduction: Empire and Coloniality in the 'Eastern Enlargement' of the
European Union" ........................................ by József Böröcz 

"The Fox and the Raven: The European Union and Hungary Renegotiate the
Margins of 'Europe'" ................................... by József Böröcz 

"The Enduring National State: NATO-EU Relations, EU-Enlargement and the
Reapportionment of the Balkans" .............. by Salavatore Engel-diMauro

"Shedding Light on the Quantitative Other: The EU's Discourse in the
Commission Opinions of 1997" ....... by Melinda Kovács and Peter Kabachnik

"Putting Down and Putting Off: The EU's Discursive Strategies in the 1998
and 1999 Follow-Up Reports" ............................ by Melinda Kovács

"A Di-Vision of Europe: The European Union Enlarged" ........ by Anna Sher

"The Austria Freedom Party's Colonial Discourse in the Context of
EU-Enlargement" ........................................... Katalin Dancsi


To read online or download at no cost, just point your browser at
http://www.mirhouse.com/ce-review/Empire.pdf. Rutgers University offers a
mirror site at http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~eu. 

Looking forward to discussions of empire and coloniality within Europe,

József Böröcz [ http://borocz.net ]
Sociology, Rutgers

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