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by Andre Gunder Frank
24 October 2001 02:50 UTC
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ok Sid, you win. Here is the LAST last

                    ANDRE  GUNDER  FRANK
Department of History                      Home
University of Nebraska Lincoln [UNL]       4440 North 7th Street 
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E-Mail: franka@fiu.edu          Web Page: csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/

in your statement [on another list] you quote and ask
"It's important to ask 'Who benefits?' "

below please find documentation on the same 
gunder frank

This is a REVISED version of my document 
in response to the events of September 11, 2001 

This posting consiste of two parts:
1. a short several screen INTRODUCTION by me -
Gunder Frank - sent here as ordinary e-mail at the top of this message
2. a much more extensive documentation 
on WHO is trying to hitch WHAT own agenda to U.S.policy in response to the 
events of September 11, 2001.
Where possible these several dozen documents about particular agendas around 
the world come from the horse's mouth and/or from other institional sources. 


     Introduction and Selection of Documents
          Andre Gunder Frank
        Preface by  Catherine Fitts             

The short Introduction in the e-mail message below is by A.G. Frank.

The long Documentation in the following appended Attachment [in MS WORD
format] is selected and organized by A.G. Frank from the sources indicated 
[except for some appended explanations in brackets [ ...] that are
also by A.G. Frank] 

 by Catherine Fitts:

CUI  BONO? Building a Map to Solve the Crime
To understand events such as wars or any of the events on the nightly news,  
always ask the question "Cui bono?" which translates as "Who benefits?" 
Cui Bono?  Who Benefits?

  Catherine Austin Fitts
  [Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing and  Urban   Development 
  and former managing director of Dillon Read. 
  Today she is Director of the Solaris Group]   


INTRODUCTION by Andre Gunder Frank

At the beginning of the Cold War, U.S. Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles threw down the gauntlet : "Those who are not with us, are against
us." The same phrase has been invoked again by President Bush after
September 11, 2001. In both instances, the self-evident purpose and effect
was to throw the weight of the United States around to intimidate as many
states and others to make all possible military, diplomatic, political,
economic and other concessions to the United States that it demanded of
them.  Then, it was in the name of fighting the common cold war enemy, and
today it is in the name of fighting the common terrorist enemy.  However
worthy the causes, in both cases the cause then was and now again is used
to promote agendas as well that have no visible connection with the cause
– until the United States ‘'links'‘ them, also to invoke the old cold war
terminology. Through this simple mechanism, any number of other agendas of
the U.S., other states, and a myriad of private interests are conveniently
linked to an offer to good- or too dangerous - to refuse. By way of
example, particular interest groups saw and took the opportunity
immediately to attach ‘'riders'‘ that promote their own agendas to
disaster and defense spending bills that were sure fire bets to be
immediately passed by the U.S. Congress. That however, is but a tip of the
iceberg example of how countless other state and private interests around
the world opportunistically saw and cynically and shamelessly sought - and
often already succeeded - to turn a monstrous human tragedy to their own
particular advantage. Literally first was Israel, waiting no more than a
day to launch an expanded military campaign against what it likes to call
Palestinian ‘'terrorism,'‘ which with U.S. help it has persuaded much of
the non-Arab world to accept as such.

NOW CUI BONO?  The agendas are without limit, both in number and in the
distance and breadth of the ‘'link'‘ to the cause as well as in the
cynical ingenuity or ingenious cynicism of establishing making these
links. Below are assembled only a tip-of-the-iceberg SHORT list of other
agendas that have already been so linked – mostly as per the horse's mouth
testimony of the actors themselves and/or institutional and other
observers of the same.

Only one major agenda is not represented by their own voices in the items
below, although with a bit more diligence in searching them out, it should
not be altogether too difficult to document that as well. That agenda of
more than a decade's standing and that has now received an enormous new
boost: is the further promotion by President George W. Bush [son] of what
President George Bush [father] called ‘'THE NEW WORLD ORDER ‘'that he was
constructing with his War against Iraq in 1991. That THIRD WORLD WAR as I
then termed it [in which THIRD meant both the 3rd following the 1st and
2nd AND a war fought in and against the THIRD WORLD] put one and all on
notice that ‘'the bully on the block'‘ alas now in the world as a whole,
was prepared to bomb and maybe even to nuke any country in the Third
World, that not being ‘'with ‘'us, is ‘'against'‘ us. President Clinton
made the Bush Doctrine his own and extended it onwards to Europe in the
first 'out of area'‘ war by NATO against Yugoslavia , which not
coincidentally was the only country in Europe that refused to knuckle
under the US Treasury/IMF line - excepting only Belarus, which for that
simple reason is the other bete noire. All of this done always with the
loyal support of the world's # 1 cynical hypocrite opportunist Tony Blair,
who goes on and on about his latter day mission to ‘'save civilization'‘
with radio-active depleted uranium for refugees in Kosovo and cluster
bombs for starving ones in Afghanistan. It may appear as though that
represented another innovation as well, namely the invocation of ‘'human
rights'‘ to crush human rights. Alas Clinton and Blair cannot legitimately
claim originality, for a half century earlier the invasion of
Czechoslovakia and then of Yugoslavia as well was also ‘'legitimated'‘ in
the name of ‘'the defense of the human rights" of the victims – by Adolph

This now third war in the series of THIRD WORLD WAR/S promises to advance the 
NEW WORLD ORDER agenda still further. Today of course that agenda includes 
first and foremost  the oil rich regions of the  Caspian Sea and Central Asia, 
which also ‘'happen' to be the soft under-belly of Russia, which already fought 
 " The Great Game'‘ in Central Asia against its British rival in the nineteenth 
century. Today, of course Britain has been dis- and re-placed by the United 
States, although formerly ‘'Great'‘ Britain is now satisfied opportunistically 
still to play at least second fiddle to the  American tune. There as in the 
U.S. and in any number of other countries, not only foreign policy agendas, but 
also any number of domestic agenda s that are being opportunistically used in 
the wake of human tragedy. The first and foremost of course is the 
administration's understandable desire to rally popular political support for 
and to legitimate itself by catering to public demand for revenge, which the 
administration and its servants in the media  have themselves have been 
irresponsibly whipping as much as possible with all manner of jingoism. and to 
do so by military action even without any other visible purpose or definable 
enemy and target. Both are highly irresponsible and do the American public an 
enormous disservice in failing to educate it about the causes behind the tragic 
action by others, and in adding  to and accentuating these causes. Instead of 
seeking to protect the public, the administration and the media are instead 
knowingly exposing the people of the United States and others in the West to 
ever more terror and pain. Indeed, the administration, its own cabinet members 
and other high ranking politicians have even made numerous  public statements 
signifying their lack of concern over how their own actions are certain to 
incite others to escalate attacks of reprisal.

To that effect a recent Strategic Command document recommend a recent
revision of U.S. strategy anywhere in the globe:

    We must understand in advance, to the degree possible, what an
    adversary values," the paper says, adding that "what a nation's
    leadership values is complex, since, to a considerable extent, it is
    rooted in a nation's culture." In addition, it also says that
    the United States "must communicate, specifically, what we want to
    deter without saying what is permitted." It also adds, "We must
    communicate in the strongest ways possible the unbreakable link 
    between our vital interests and the potential harm that will
    be directly attributable to any who damages, or  even credibly
    threatens to damage, that which we hold of value." 

To that end, the Strategic Command paper says the United States should not
say "whether the reaction would either be responsive or preemptive" and as
a result the country should never adopt declaratory policies such as "no
first use" of nuclear weapons. The personal characteristics of the U.S.
leader, the paper says, play a part. "Fear," the authors say, "is not the
possession of the rational mind alone." But they go on to say that
deterrence "must create fear in the mind of the adversary -- fear that he
will not achieve his objectives, fear that his losses and pain will far
outweigh any potential gains, fear that he will be punished."

Also high on the list of answers to the question of cui bono is the
American domestic right's agenda to roll back civil liberties. Not by
accident did the VERY REVERENDS Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson in the
United States rush to assure us only days after the tragedy of September
11, 2001 that it was God's punishment of American transgressions,
including abortion, gay/lesbianism, and all manner of ‘'liberal excesses'‘
in civil liberties.  Still Confederate flag waving Attorney General
Ashcroft immediately sent Congress a long laundry list of demands
vastly to curtail civil liberties. Concomitantly, the dictatorships in
Central Asia take advantage of the situation to protect and shore up their
own power. Experiance with Saddam Hussein and Dragoslav Milosevic
demonstrate the almost certain recurrence of such consequences with
Taliban in Afghanistan and the Central Asian dictators inherited from the
Soviet ear. The difference is that, excepting Taliban, this time the U.S.
and NATO have an interest in protecting and using these known devils for
their own purposes in the region instead of running the risk of having to
deal with as yet unknown ones. That is the case even in Afghanistan, where
the U.S. is loath and Pakistan is completely opposed to letting the
‘'Northern Alliance'‘ replace Taliban, whose ‘'moderate'‘ elements are
therefore designated also to have a role in any post-war settlement and
government in Afghanistan.

To add a historical footnote, it is revealing that nobody seems to have
recalled, much less made any connections with, that other Tuesday
September 11 when the Presidential Palace in Chile was bombed and a
military dictatorship was installed in 1973, which in the course of a
decade and a assassinated and disappeared some 30,000 victims, tortured
unknown thousands of them and among survivors, and exiled well over
100,000 people – with the collaboration of the US CIA and at the direct
instance of US President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger. [Their role was documented in the US Senate hearings of the
Church Committee , which resulted in reigning in some CIA excesses with
some restrictions in the 1970s that are now being again eliminated and
then some in the name of fighting international terrorism. The role of
Kissinger was recently documented also in the pages of Harper's Magazine
by Christopher Hitchins, who a few months ago called for the indictment of
Kissinger for war crimes and crimes against humanity, but now rises in
defense of the same in the present War against Afghanistan]. .Instead, the
new administration in Washington is now intent to unleash the CIA, and
undoubtedly also the much less known but much more important Defense
Intelligence Agency, to pursue and push American government policies
around the world.

Before proceeding to the documentation below of some of the many agendas
that are being promoted in the wake of and lugubriously ‘'thanks to'‘ the
human tragedy of September 11, we should make no mistake in noting as well
how and to what extent one other agenda is being promoted probably more
than any of the other by present policies and events: that of Osmani bin
Laden, who first and foremost seeks to replace the Saudi regime in his
native Arabia, secondly. the corrupt American puppet regimes in
neighboring Arab states, and thirdly Israeli colonization of Palestine,
whose roots he sees in the neo-colonialist partition of the whole area,
especially by Britain, in the 1920s to which refers in his statements
about ‘'80 years ago.'‘ Neither of the Holy Warriors bin Laden and Bush ,
nor the promotion of their respective agendas, could be better served than
by the policies and praxis of the other.


Military strike prepared before Sept 11 agenda takes advantage of same
Military strategy/tactics/objectives in Afghanistan agenda
Escalation prepared to attack Iraq and others agenda
Agenda for war in Colombia, Equador ...
Oil and pipelines in Central Asia and Caucasus agenda [several documents]
Drugs in Afghanistan and Central Asia agenda
US oil interests and Alaskan oil agenda
Bush family and associates oil interests
US world trade agenda in NAFTA and in WTO
cut entitlements and income agenda at bottom of pyramid
Russian agenda
Chinese agenda
Pakistan agenda
India agenda
Central Asian states [several] agendas
Malaysian agenda
Miami Cuban Mafia agenda


ITEM - The payroll taxes paid by today's workers are more than sufficient
to cover the cost of today's Social Security because the boomers are still
working. So where is the extra going? To finance the war against terrorism
and--if the House Ways and Means Committee has its way--a big tax cut
going mostly to the rich.

Get it? Income and capital gains tax cuts for the rich now, payroll tax
hikes on middle-and lower-income Americans to come.

Americans like to think we're all in this together. But if the tax bill
now emerging in the House becomes law, the richest of us will be excused.

  Robert B. Reich, a former secretary of Labor, is a professor of economic
  and social policy at Brandeis University and the author of "The Future
  of Success" (Knopf, 2001)

cui bono.doc

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