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Daniel Foss's 3rd and 6th Century Crisis
by Pee, David (NCI/IMS)
27 September 2001 16:47 UTC
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Sept 27, 2001

Dear Mr. Floss:

I've read with great interest your informative and provocative article on
"3rd and 6th century crises" dated Oct. 21, 1996.  Being of Chinese origin,
I still remember our high school history teacher talking about "Five Hu
(Barbarians) Devastating Hwa (China)".  We learned about Toba Kwei the
founder of the North Wei dynasty as well as the battle of Fei Water (River).
As for Cao Cao being the greatest military genius in Chinese history, that
is indeed a surprise to me, since in Chinese history he is a famous villain,
similar to Cardinal Richelieu of Dumas "Three Musketeers" fame.  One would
think that Machiavelli must have been an admirer/student of his.  However,
on further thought, Cao must have had commendable strategic/military
abilities, since he had to defend the northern frontiers and marches against
the nomadic tribes as well as shrug off the advances of the Shu and Wu
Kingdoms, from the famous "Tales of the Three Kingdoms" era.  I have heard
that Mao Tse-tung is an admirer of Cao Cao as well as Qin Shi-Huang, the
legendary Emperor who finished construction of the "Long Wall".  These two
personages, have a long and dark history of ill fame in Chinese culture.
Rational and objective consideration of their actions, show that they are
not totally without merit to the Chinese people and culture, even though
hands may be stained with the blood of many.  
I was wondering if you could direct me to other articles which you have
written or which you consider as important and interesting on subjects of
similar nature?   I would like to commend you once more for this interesting
and intriguing article.

David Pee

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