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[COMMUNISM LIST]Fwd: How you find this
by Seyed Javad
24 September 2001 10:45 UTC
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Communism List: http://homepage.eircom.net/~kampf/ Workers of the world unite! _______________________________________

Dear Friends,

This is a Japanese view on the recent incident in US!

From: ΁@v
To: seyedjavad@hotmail.com
Subject: How you find this
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 23:11:35 +0900
Dear Seyed,
I forward you something which you might be interesting.
We are now working on a similar Appeal to make against American retaliation in
With best wishes,
Takahisa Oishi
Phone & Fax: +81-476-95-6483@
E-mail: CXP02422@nifty.ne.jp
In terms of international law, there is no legitimacy for wars of
retaliation against the recent terrorist attacks.
1. A conflict becomes recognized as a "war" from the perspective of
international law not simply when military actions are taken, but when a
sovereign state or a guerrilla group expresses its intention to wage a
war. Therefore, the recent terrorist attacks would be recognized as
crimes, not as a war. Thus, the recent incidents should be treated as
2. International law makes it clear that efforts for peaceful resolution
should be made first to deal with any disputes. Since President Bush has
not demonstrated efforts to resolve any possibility of future
occurrences of the terrorist attacks in peaceful way, new military
actions are not legitimate.
3. International law does not recognize the legitimacy of wars of
retaliation. Therefore, even if the terrorist attack this time signifies
a beginning of a war, retaliation cannot be allowed unless the
terrorists continue their attacks.
4. In order for a war of retaliation against the recent terrorist
attacks to be recognized as legitimately exercising the right of
self-defense, it must be waged against existing and obvious illegal
actions. Preventive self-defense is not accepted by either international
war or domestic law. Therefore, a war of retaliation against the
terrorist attacks is not accepted as a legitimate act of self-defense.
5. The principles of international law state that there is no obligation
for one state to hand over criminals to another state unless an
agreement to do so has been concluded between the two states. President
Bush's argument that military force will be used if the criminals are
not handed over is itself in violation of international law.
For the reasons stated above, I conclude that a war of retaliation
against the terrorist attacks is not legitimate under international law.
September 19, 2001
Hisatake Kato, Dean of Tottori University of Environmental Studies
Kind Regards

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