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Re: info request
by Alan Spector
16 September 2001 19:06 UTC
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There is a lot of extreme patriotism being expressed and it is somewhat

But to be honest, it is less than I thought it would be. So far. Of course
it can be whipped up even more. Any kind of new act, explosion, even if
NOBODY IS HARMED will probably cause a severe right wing reaction.  But so
far, there has also been a lot of questioning. I have spoken to many
activists, teachers, etc. who say that while the pro-US nationalist position
is very strong, there really has been a noticeable, but minority of course,
number of people who are asking good questions about the nature of U.S.
foreign policy in general.

Alan S.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard N Hutchinson" <rhutchin@U.Arizona.EDU>
To: "world system network" <wsn@csf.colorado.edu>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 2:00 PM
Subject: info request

> I am looking for 2 things, one concrete and one abstract:
> 1) specifics of the US/(international?) economic embargo against
> Afghanistan -- when did it begin?  what are the effects?
> 2) what explains the recent expressions of patriotism in the US?
> is it a universal "tribal" instinct to rally around your group when
> threatened?  is it just the result of propaganda?  is it stronger among
> lower class individuals, an ersatz identity for the powerless?  or is it
> stronger among higher class individuals who have a clearer sense of
> self-interest?
> Quite honestly, I find it quite mystifying and frightening.  I would
> appreciate any thoughtful, empirical research that sheds light on it.
> RH

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