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Re: Bush caused US devastation
by kjkhoo
13 September 2001 19:13 UTC
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In response to Dag:

There are lots of us out here who are watching what's happening with 
horror and fear, and who quietly look at what is posted without much 
comment as we try to sort through our emotions and thoughts and try 
to take in what has actually happened beyond the obvious, and 
painful, loss of thousands of lives.

We would much like to read the less facile and smarter, less naive, 
analyses that Gunder Frank, Dag Svendsen, Carl and others may have to 
offer. Especially now, at what appears, at least in the short to 
medium term, to be one of those moments when the managers of the 
system (world, world-, global, whatever) have suddenly shifted gears 
and trajectory (or perhaps moved more decisively to a trajectory they 
might have preferred to have followed but were unable to summon the 
necessary consensus). At least it appears to be so from this perch 
out here, beyond Blair's "we the democracies".

kj khoo

At 3:38 PM +0200 13/9/01, Dag P. Svendsen wrote:
>Carl: I agree. It“s overwhelming the amount of facil naivitė and stupidity
>in the "analyses" of some of these fellows out there. Please, send me a mail
>if you start an alternative list.
>Dag P. Svendsen

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