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Second Nature Southwest Regional Workshop
by Stephen Layman
04 September 2001 14:08 UTC
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* * * Apologies for Duplicate Postings * * *

Second Nature
Southwest Regional Workshop
Shaping a Sustainable Future: Best Practices in Higher Education
November 1-4, 2001
du Bois Conference Center at Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, Arizona

If you go to only one workshop this year, make it Second Nature's Southwest
Regional Workshop "Shaping a Sustainable Future: Best Practices in Higher
Education."  This workshop, the fifth in a series of highly acclaimed
regional workshops, will highlight exciting sustainability activities
occurring at colleges and universities around the southwest.
Interdisciplinary teams are invited to come to Flagstaff to join in
discussions, presentations, and exchanges about sustainability for
education.  This workshop will provide participants with effective
strategies to increase the impact of their activities on their colleges and

The theme of this workshop is Dynamically Integrated Communities.  Speakers
and "Best Practices" presentations in conjunction with workgroups and
roundtables are designed to help participants explore the opportunities and
challenges faced when making sustainability a core institutional principle
at colleges and universities.


Scheduled speakers include renowned leaders in sustainability

--> ANTHONY CORTESE, President, Second Nature - talking about the need for
higher education to take the lead on sustainability and strategies for
bringing these ideas to your school.
--> GARY NABHAN, Director, Center for Sustainable Environments - discussing
the several sustainability efforts underway at Northern Arizona University.
--> COLLETTE HOPKINS, Associate Director of Partnerships for the Research
Center for Science and Technology of Clark Atlanta University - talking
about the interrelationship of campus and community and inspirational
strategies for linking the two.
--> GREG CAJETE, Professor of Education, University of New Mexico -
outlining  alternative approaches to  teaching and learning, drawing from
Native American educational traditions.

Team Application Time and Resources

In order to leverage the impact of our workshops, Second Nature encourages
the attendance of interdiscliplinary teams composed of faculty members,
administrators, facilities operations personnel, and student leaders.  While
we seek teams primarily from southwestern schools, we do accept teams from
outside the region.

The workshop location and format will facilitate reflection and application
of the workshop content.  Interactive presentations and experiential
exercises have been designed to provide teams with opportunities to meet
productively.  Materials have been developed to be useful during the
workshop and once participants return to their campuses.

Concurrent Roundtable Sessions

Throughout the workshop there are designated times for participants to
organize or attend customized sessions on topics that are not outlined in
the formal agenda.  Do you...

...Have a teaching technique that you want to share?
...Need feedback on a new project that you want to implement?
...Want to learn more about a specific success mentioned during the

These breakout sessions are your opportunities to share or acquire this

Poster Session

Each team of workshop participants will display posters during this event.
Posters promote an institution's activities, give a sense of place (size,
setting, resources, and culture) and corresponding challenges and
opportunities encountered by each institution.


Throughout the workshop, there are numerous opportunities for teams and
individuals to connect with each other and begin exchanging information and


The deadline to receive a discount on your registration fee is October 1,
2001.  Space is limited so don't delay.  For detailed information on the
workshop, please visit <http://www.secondnature.org/> or contact us via
email at workshops@secondnature.org, or by phone at (617) 292-7771, ext.


This message was sent to several listservs that welcome announcements
relating to public health, the environment, and/or sustainability.  Our
intent is to promote events or publications that are of interest to the
other members of these listservs.

We send less than ten announcements per year, and we do not maintain our own
mailing list.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact Stephen
Layman at slayman@2nature.org or visit our website at

Second Nature is a Boston-based, national nonprofit organization working to
help higher education prepare future professionals for the increasingly
complex environmental and social challenges we face.  We offer colleges and
universities a range of programs, training sessions,  one-on-one consulting
and resources to make the integration of  environmental sustainability
thinking "second nature" to higher education.  To learn more about Second
Nature, please visit our website: <http://www.secondnature.org/>.


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