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by Mike Alexander
16 August 2001 21:28 UTC
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My name is Mike Alexander, I'm new to this list.  I'm not a professional social scientist, my training is in chemical engineering (Ph. D. UW-Madison, 1988) and I work in fermentation process development for a pharmaceutical company.  Over the past five years I have gotten interested in stock market investing, which led me to do a bit of research on historical trends.  This led me to an interest in the Kondratiev cycle and economic history.  I wrote a book on my findings in the stock market (see below).  Further research on the K-cycle led me to cycles in war and peace, politics, popular/labor unrest, and religious activity.  I found an underlying relation between Strauss and Howe's generational cycle and the K-cycle.  I'm writing another book on this topic too.
I've been a member of the longwaves web list at CSF since October 1999, and contribute regularly.  This list is heavily tilted towards financial markets, which only one aspect of the K-cycle.  I did a search on CSF on Kondratieff and found a number of older posts that dealt with the topic.  Back in 1996 there were many interesting academic discussion on the K-cycle on the longwave list but these all died out long before I came to the list.  Do participants of the World Systems List have an interest in the Kondratiev cycle and would be interested in discussions on this topic?  Is there another forum that would be better suited?
Thank you
Mike Alexander,  author of
Stock Cycles: Why stocks won't beat money markets over the next 20 years.
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