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Re: some thoughts on globalism/imperialism & class (fwd)
by Austin, Andrew
08 August 2001 16:27 UTC
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CR-- No time for a long disquisition. Research it.

No. Defend your assertion.

> AA: It is easy to develop a "construct" that eliminates social
> class. The point is to eliminate it. (That sounds familiar...)

CR: Again, cannot be done.

That's what the orang-u-tan said about flight.

CR: -- Given the assumption of a multi-class society, one "sign" that
disparities among the classes are diminishing is the ease of mobility
between classes.

This confuses structural and individual levels. Why could there not be
increased mobility simultanenous with growing disparities among social

CR: -- ...eliminating social classes being impossible, all attempts to do so
will ultimately resort to genocide, since "eliminate" is the operative word.

This confuses the elimination of coercive structures with the elimination of
the people who occupy positions within that structure. We can eradicate
poverty without eradicating poor people. 

Andrew Austin
Green Bay, WI

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