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Fw: Internet and Porn
by Karl Carlile
08 August 2001 15:17 UTC
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The constant attack on the circulation of commodities in the form of pornography
on the internet is a device to build up a climate conducive to controlling and
regulating the internet in the interests of capital. A strategy to restrict the
supply of pornographic commodities over the internet merely represents the thin
end of the wedge. The entire bourgeois strategy is to build up a bad press for
the internet exaggerating the presence of pornography. Contained in the debate
is the false suggestion that pornography can be eliminated through censorship.
If anything censorship leads to the eventual enhancement of the value of these

It is clear that, in many ways, censorship is among the best means of
encouraging pornography. Censorship drives pornography underground making it a
less accessible commodity and consequently raising its price. Indeed censorship
adds to the lure of pornography by mystifying it. In this way its price is
further raised. The restriction of the supply of pornographic products means
that as commodities there is a tendency for demand to artificially exceed
supply. This tends, other things being equal, to lead to a tendency for the
price of these commodities to rise. Consequently this tends to lead in this
industry to a rise  in the rate of profit above the average. Consequently there
is a tendency for more capital to flow into this industry to avail of the higher
profit rate.

The same tendencies operate in the narcotics industry. Censorship, the
restriction on the exchange of commodities, tends towards a situation in which
the exchange are  artificially distorted. This kind of environment tends to lead
to monopoly capital. The state essentially promotes the development of the
pornographic and narcotics industry by its the application of economic policy in
the form of censorship.

Capitalism hits two birds with the one stone. It exploits the issue of the
pornographic production process to control and regulate the internet by in its
class interests and at the expense of the class interests of the working class
while encouraging the growth of valorisation in the pornographic industry.
This makes for good political and economic policy.

Karl Carlile
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