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Re: what the masses do
by Richard N Hutchinson
01 August 2001 23:58 UTC
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Louis and all:

Based on what I've read about the collapse of the U.S. Army in Vietnam, it
was expressed mainly by the spread of the anti-authoritarian
counterculture among the troops.  Long hair, smoking dope, fragging of 
stupid lieutenants who tried to force the troops out on patrol by white
and black soldiers who may have felt they had little in common except vis
a vis the officers who were trying to get them killed.

I don't think any particular faction of the anti-war movement can take
credit for this.  Rock music probably played as big a role as anything.
But the troops certainly knew that the public had turned against the war
by the time Nixon was elected (with his Secret Plan to End the War), and
so from that time in huge numbers they no longer had any loyalty to the
politicians who were obviously just using them as cannon fodder for


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