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Re: Hardt on Charlie Rose
by Louis Proyect
25 July 2001 18:35 UTC
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><< (Hardt is an english prof, so
> what do you expect -- "it's all just a text.") >>
>Has Hardt ever said anything like this?  His buddy at Duke, Fredric Jameson, 
>certainly would not.  Incidentally, Hardt is a professor of literature and 
>romance studies, in the Italian department, not an English professor.
>Steven Sherman

Hardt is friendly to poststructuralism, which any sensible person would
regard as utter garbage, especially after the Paul DeMan affair at Yale.
Here's what Hardt says:

"The dogmatic division that I find most prevalent and troublesome today is
the one that separates Marxism from poststructuralism. First of all, the
division is simply historically inaccurate. Poststructuralism is a vague
term, but the majority of the French philosophers who are generally grouped
under that rubric developed their thought within one vein or another of the
Marxist tradition."


This ravenous appetite to combine Marx with Spinoza, St. Francis of
Assissi, Derrida, Charlie Chaplin or whoever is something to behold. If
Marx knew he was being taken advantage of this way by literature professors
who never organized a demonstration in their life, he'd start spinning so
fast in his grave that a dynamo attached to his corpse would supply the
electricity needs of London for the next decade.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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