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Just in time for your European politics/world system class in the fall
by Tausch, Arno
19 June 2001 07:53 UTC
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Globalization and European Integration
by Arno Tausch, Peter Herrmann

Our Price: $59.00

Hardcover (June 2001) 
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; ISBN: 1560729295 


Book Description 
This study is the outcome of empirical research on the development and decay
tendencies of the capitalist world economy since the early 1980s and the
role that Europe will play in these constellations. Over these years the
conclusion was reached that the logic of capitalist world development
changes with the ups and downs of longer Kondratieff cycles, and that
different periods of hegemony and of world political constellations,
connected with these Kondratieff cycles, in turn give rise to different
constellations of world economic ascent and decline. Those that hoped that
world trade and open financial markets would shift incomes in favor of the
poor, must now recognize that - however we look at the figures - there is a
tendency towards rising poverty on a global scale, especially after the
Asian crash of 1997. 

Globalization and European Integration


Arno Tausch, Ministerial Counselor in the Ministry of Social Security and
Generations, Vienna Austria and Associate Visiting Professor, Department of
Political Science, Innsbruck University, Austria 


Peter Herrmann, Department of Applied Social Studies, University of Cork,

Opinions expressed in this research documentation, are exclusively those of
the authors and not necessarily those of their governments. 

Biographical Sketches


Arno Tausch is in his academic function Associate Visiting Professor of
Political Science at Innsbruck University, Department of Political Science,
A-6020 Innsbruck University; Innrain 52/III; Austria. In his academic
career, he was also Associate Visiting Professor, Department of Political
Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Guest Researcher, International
Institute for Comparative Social Research, Science Center, West Berlin, upon
invitation by the late Karl Wolfgang Deutsch, Harvard University. In his
official professional functions, he is involved in the process of the
enlargement of the European Union since 1992. He was Counselor for Labour
and Migration at the Austrian Embassy in Warsaw and he is now a Ministerial
Counselor in the department of bilateral relations/international
organizations at the Ministry for Social Security and Generations in Vienna.

Peter Herrmann Currently Lecturer at the University College of Cork,
Department for Applied Social Studies and director of the Independent
Research Institute European Social, Organisational and Science Consultancy
(ESOSC). He holds a Dr. phil; dipl. soc. Diploma in sociology in 1981 from
the University in Bielefeld, Germany. Afterward studies in economic sciences
in Hamburg. Starting from a practical job in a welfare organization working
on the doctoral thesis. At the same time teaching at the University of
Bremen at the Institute for local social politics and nonprofit
organizations. In 1993 he graduated as Dr. phil. at the University of
Bremen. Continuation of lecturing in particular on the subjects social
policy, European integration and anti-poverty policies at different
Universities in Europe.

Arno Tausch's latest title with this publisher is:

2000 'Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology, and the Social Sciences : An
Analysis of the Contradictions of Modernity at the Turn of the Millennium'
with Andreas Muller, Paul Michael Zulehner (Co-Editors) Nova Science
Publishers, Inc.; ISBN: 1560726792

Arno Tausch's other titles include: 

1979 'Armut und Abhaengigkeit. Politik und Oekonomie im peripheren
Kapitalismus'. Studien zur österreichischen und internationalen Politik, Bd.
2 (Eds. P. GERLICH und A. PELINKA) W. Braumueller, Vienna.

1982 'Aggregate Data Set Eastern Europe' Cologne: Koelner Zentralarchiv fuer
empirische Sozialforschung, MRDF + Codebook, ZA Study 1159.

1989 'Armas socialistas, subdesarrollo y violencia estructural en el Tercer
Mundo' Revista Internacional de Sociologia, CSIC, Madrid, 47, 4: 583 - 716.
Traducción: Jaime Otero Roth, bajo la colaboración del autor.

1991 'Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien. Sozialtransformationen und der
Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklungsforschung'. Grenzen und Horizonte (Eds.
G. AMMON, H. REINWALD, H.A. STEGER) Eberhard, Muenchen (second printing).

1991 'Rußlands Tretmühle. Kapitalistisches Weltsystem, lange Zyklen und die
neue Instabilität im Osten'. Eberhard, Muenchen.

1993 'Produktivkraft soziale Gerechtigkeit? Europa und die Lektionen des
pazifischen Modells'. Eberhard, Muenchen

1993 'Towards a Socio - Liberal Theory of World Development' Basingstoke and
New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press (under collaboration of Fred Prager).

1997 'Schwierige Heimkehr. Sozialpolitik, Migration, Transformation, und die
Osterweiterung der Europaeischen Union' Munich: Eberhard.

1998 'Transnational Integration and National Disintegration.' Electronic
publication at the World Systems Archive Working Paper Series (Coordinator:
Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, Johns Hopkins University),

1998 'Globalization and European Integration' Electronic book publication
at the World Systems Archive (Coordinator: Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, Johns
Hopkins University)

In the past, he has also written for publication series and journals such

Acta Sociologica; Arbeit und Wirtschaft (Vienna); Arbeiterzeitung (Vienna);
China-Report (Vienna); Dialog (Stadt Schlaining); Die Gemeinde (Official
Journal of the Jewish Congregation, Vienna); Economic and Political Weekly
(Bombay); Europa-Verlag (Vienna); Federal Ministry of Social Adminstration,
Schriftenreihe zur sozialen und beruflichen Stellung der Frau (now: Federal
Ministry for Social Security and Generations), Vienna; Information ueber
multinationale Konzerne (Vienna); Internationale Entwicklung (Vienna);
Izharsons, Lahore; Journal fuer Entwicklungspolitik (Vienna); Journal fuer
Sozialforschung (Vienna); Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie (Cologne);
Latin American Research Review; Mladje - Informatie in Kultura, Ljubljana -
Celovec; Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft, Vienna;
Oesterreichischer Forschungsalmanach (Vienna); Oesterreichischer
Informationsdienst fuer Entwicklungspolitik (Vienna); Padrigu Papers, United
Nations University; Publizistik; Springer-Verlag, Vienna/New York;
Stellungnahmen der katholischen Sozialakademie Österreichs (Vienna); The
Jerusalem Journal of International Relations (Jerusalem); Zeitschrift für
Lateinamerika, Vienna; Zukunft (Vienna)

Peter Herrmanns latest title with this publisher is:

1998 European Integration between Institution Building and Social Process.
Contributions to a Theory of Modernisation and NGOs in the Context of the
Development of the EU; New York: Nova Science

1999 as editor: Challenges for a global welfare system; New York: Nova
Science, 1999

Peter Herrmann's other titles include:

1993 Society and Organisation. Sociological Theory of Organisations
(Gesellschaft und Organisation. Zur soziologischen Theorie von
Organisationen); Egelsbach/New York: Hänsel-Hohenhausen, (PhD-thesis)

1995 as editor: European Integration and politics of the Poverty Programmes
- On the Way to an Integrated Social Policy Approach? (Europäische
Integration und Politik der Armutsprogramme - Auf dem Weg zu einem
integrierten Sozialpolitikansatz?); Rheinfelden/Berlin: Schäuble

1997 as editor (together with Christoph Kusche and in co-operation with
Siegfried Schreyer): Social Work in the EU. Pathways in developing a
professional consciousness (Sozialarbeit in der EU. Wege zur Entwicklung
eines Professionsbewußtseins); Rheinfelden/Berlin: Schäuble Verlag

1997 1994 The Organisation. An analysis of the Modern Society (Die
Organisation. Eine Analyse der modernen Gesellschaft); Rheinfelden/Berlin:

1997 Social Policy in the European Union (Sozialpolitik in der Europäischen
Union); Rheinfelden/Berlin: Schäuble

1998 Cultures of Participation in the European Union. Nongovernmental
Organisations in EU-member states (Partizipationskulturen in der
Europäischen Union. Nichtregierungsorganisationen in EU-Mitgliedstaaten);
Rheinfelden/Berlin: Schäuble Verlag

1999 Social Work in Europe - Trojan Horse or Spartacus? (Sozialarbeit und
Sozialpolitik in Europa - Trojanisches Pferd oder Spartakus?); Aghabullogue:

2000 The Wide World of Exclusion. Experiences from the EU-programme-approach
Combating Poverty and Exclusion (Die weite Welt der Ausgrenzung. Erfahrungen
aus der Programmarbeit der EU gegen Armut und Ausgrenzung); Aghabullogue:
ESOSC-publications, 4-

Peter Herrmann's other publications also include:

Phanresia or: Stories of Being Strange and of Contradictions. A Children's
Book (Phanresia oder: Geschichten vom Anders-Sein und von den Gegensätzen.
Ein Kinderbuch); Mechtersen: KULTURWerkstatt 1998

How Santa Claus could not go on his summer holidays anymore or: It might be
too early to throw the Old Sleigh Away. A Historical-Sociological Christmas
Tale (Wie der Weihnachtsmann um seine Sommerferien gebracht wurde oder Man
soll den alten Schlitten nie zu früh wegwerfen. Ein
geschichts-soziologisches Weihnachtsmärchen für Erwachsene)

Phanresia's Stories of Friendship. A Children's Book (Phanresia's
Geschichten von der Freundschaft. Ein Kinderbuch)

Jess and her friends or quiet country life (Jess und ihre Freunde oder Vom
ruhigen Landleben) (1999)

Table of Contents:

List of abbreviations and concepts (functional terms)
List of Tables
List of Graphs
List of Maps

Foreword (1)
Foreword (2) and Executive Summary

I Globalization, environmental decay and sexism in the capitalist world
system (Arno Tausch)

1)      Introduction

2) The theoretical framework: what can policy-makers know about ascent and
decline in the world economy?

3) The international environment is basically unstable. A survey of the
contemporary research methods for the study of international social policy
since 1989

4) TNC dependence is causing long-term stagnation

The cross-national results about the effects of globalization

5)      The contradictions of the process of the global environmental
destruction, to which Europe as one of the main regions of world industry
and traffic, disproportionately contributes

Environmental disintegration

6) Gender discrimination and sexism in world capitalism

7)      Development or decay?

II The instability of the transformation process (Arno Tausch)

8) The instability of the transformation process

The( in)validity of Huntington's culture conflict approach on a world level

The return of dictatorship? Towards understanding the process of
ethno-political conflict and the world-wide refugee problem

Country risk analysis

Transnational crime as a global actor

III A Labor perspective on basic issues of European Integration (Arno

9) A Labor Perspective on Basic Issues of European Integration

The eastward expansion of the European Union

Excurse: A Polish regional  case study

The Eastern part of Europe and the long Kondratieff wave: historical

Transformation success or failure - the macroquantitative evidence

Europe must come to terms with the contradictions of the process of the
aging of democracies

The (in)efficiency of the European Union at the level of  stable western

Globalization, East European reconstruction and the fatal conceit of

Transnational integration and national disintegration - a 134 nation study
and a further note on EU-enlargements

The Rotten Heart of Europe? A technical note on EMU and the rise of
world-wide narco capitalism

IV Migration and globalization (Arno Tausch)

10) Migration and  globalization

V A Europe of the Social Movements (Peter Herrmann)

11) Cunning of reason or Is there a chance for a democratic and social
perspective for EUrope and its role as global actor? - The process of
globalisation reviewed in a theoretical perspective


Samples and data
List of variables
The general model of world development, based on 123 nations
The models based on 134 countries
Development as a function of the Human Development Index
The instability model based on 99 countries
Corruption levels in 47 countries
The models based on 49 Polish voivodships
Excess mortality in the Polish provinces
The effect of years of European Union membership on developed stable
democracies before Union enlargements 1981-95
European Union enlargement scenario
Kondratieff cycle data
TNC Penetration and Transformation Country Development
Effects of the European Union before and after the enlargements of 1981,
1986, 1995
Effects of the European Union after enlargements



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