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shadow valley (fwd)
by Peter Grimes
25 May 2001 05:47 UTC
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 10:49:48 -0700
From: chris chase-dunn <chriscd@mail.ucr.edu>
To: Peter Grimes <p34d3611@jhu.edu>
Subject: shadow valley

you have powerful images.
but what we need is...a plan for getting through the sticky
wicket. one that uses the forces of the system the way a judo
practitioner would, to dump it in a way that the survivors can create a
new and better system.
it is not as internally undifferentiated as a cancerous tumor. it has
organs, as you say. and some of the organs have potential uses as forces
for transformation.

the trick is to try to prevent the disasters while organizing to take
advantage of them if they should occur, which i agree is likely. this is
a little too complicated to explain to most people.  so just focus the
main force on preventing the disasters and create a coalition of people
who understand how the system works so that they can get something
together after the flood. something like that.
small steps. gotta start with small steps.

tel;work:909 787  2062
org:University of California, Riverside;Sociology and Institute for Research on World-Systems
title:Distinguished Professor of Sociology
adr;quoted-printable:;;IROWS=0D=0ACollege Building South=0D=0AUniversity of California, Riverside;Riverside;CA;92521;USA
fn:Chris Chase-Dunn
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