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by C. Bandhauer
14 May 2001 15:32 UTC
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Title: Intro?
I have no better ideas than Khaldoun's for Social Theory texts, but if anyone could recommend books/ texts for Intro to Sociology I would be grateful.  I've got two sections of it in the fall.

on 5/14/01 11:06 AM, KSamman@aol.com at KSamman@aol.com wrote:

George and others,

I am also in the market for social theory text.  Although I have
yet to discover the perfect text, there are a few that look promising.
I guess the problem I'm having is with texts that have excerpts
from the original readers.  These tend to be very skimpy and include
only a few pages from each thinker.  You may also want to consider
creating a reader yourself and include some world-systems writers
that tend to be omitted from many of these texts.  

I am leaning towards secondary texts because the concepts and ideas...

Carina A. Bandhauer
Department of Sociology
Binghamton University
State University of New York
Binghamton NY  13902-6000

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