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Re: 1. globalization alternatives? by Sean Healy & Cuba Bay of Pigs
by Andre Gunder Frank
15 April 2001 05:08 UTC
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                 ANDRE  GUNDER  FRANK

        1601 SW  83rd Avenue, Miami, FL. 33155-1133 USA
        Tel: 1-305-266  0311      Fax:  1-305  267 9606
  E-Mail: franka@fiu.edu   Web Page: csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/

---------- Forwarded message ----------

two footnotes to Saul, one [1] old/personal and one[2] new/now official

1.In 1970 at the Jeveskela, Finland annual festival, but including a
'political' part, Schlesigner and I shared a podium in a huge hall.
I lit into him about his infamous White Paper. The next day, all major
Finnish newspapers carried the story, and some a superbly telling foto of
us with him frowning and then some  in response to my public critiques.
In the meantime he had gone to his hotel, packed his bags and gone
-literally chased out of town. My claim to fame in Finnland - and it is
still remembered by some so long later - is to have 'ruined' the
'political' part of the otherwise song-and-dance festival. The political
part  was excised from the festival thereafter and has,to my knowledge,
not been restored since.

2. in re Cuba-SU, it has only now been revealed from UK/US documentation
that Washington then asked Britain not to sell Cuba some fighter planes so
that, as Washington's deliberate strategy, Cuba would be obliged to turn 
to the SU for them and otherwise into SU arms, to give the US an
acceptable pretext to put the screws on Cuba.


                 ANDRE  GUNDER  FRANK

        1601 SW  83rd Avenue, Miami, FL. 33155-1133 USA
        Tel: 1-305-266  0311      Fax:  1-305  267 9606
  E-Mail: franka@fiu.edu   Web Page: csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/

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