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request for information
by jon
08 March 2001 17:05 UTC
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Dear WSN,

A speaker from the IMF will be coming to my university later in this month
to give a talk for students in the business school.  A group of my friends
(and myself) thought it would be a good idea to attend the lecture and
during the question/answer session pose some questions challenging/critical
of the IMF's policies.  Right now we are looking for any sorts of
documentation/information speaking to how the IMF's policies/programs/action
may have "failed" or backfired in the past (or anything else of a critical
nature) so that we can come up with some specific and well thought out

Therefore, I am making a request for any valuable information that anyone on
the list could contribute to our little "quest."

Thank you in advance for anything and everything,

Jonathan DeVore

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