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Re: Gender depowerment: UNDP data on male and female suicide in the world
by g kohler
22 February 2001 20:08 UTC
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interesting that male suicide rates tend to be higher than female rates. The average female readiness for self-destruction is thus lower than the average male readiness.
ADD to this that  males have a higher tendency to be violent toward others and/or more criminal than females. (The Canadian prison population is about 90% male and 10% female.)
Females thus have a lower proclivity toward both destruction and self-destruction than males. The world-system would be improved, if men did the cooking and women the governing, sort of like Lenin [socialist] or Bush [capitalist] as chefs (cooking spaghetti dinners) and Vandana Shiva [socialist] or Madonna [capitalist] as presidents.
Original message:
Gender depowerment: UNDP data on male and female suicide in the world system
      by Tausch, Arno  22 February 2001 
Dear colleagues,
the sad and depressing statistics on suicide rates in the world system at
the turn of our begun millenium suggest (again) the powerful and devastating
social force of the 'transformation process' in the former socialist
countries. From the EXCEL data set that I sent out via this network
recently, the rank ordering of the following data is quite easy, following
the 'sort' routine of the EXCEL program.
The depressing results, at any rate, are:
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