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Gender depowerment: UNDP data on male and female suicide in the world system
by Tausch, Arno
22 February 2001 10:58 UTC
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Dear colleagues,

the sad and depressing statistics on suicide rates in the world system at
the turn of our begun millenium suggest (again) the powerful and devastating
social force of the 'transformation process' in the former socialist
countries. From the EXCEL data set that I sent out via this network
recently, the rank ordering of the following data is quite easy, following
the 'sort' routine of the EXCEL program.

The depressing results, at any rate, are:

Male suicide rates per 100.000 inhabitants and year, 1998

Lithuania       73,7    
Russian Federation      72,9    
Estonia 64,3    
Latvia  59,5    
Kazakhstan      51,9    
Hungary 49,2    
Belarus 48,7    
Slovenia        48,0    
Sri Lanka       44,7    
Finland 38,7    
Ukraine 38,2    
Croatia 34,2    
Switzerland     30,9    
Moldova, Rep. of        30,9    
France  30,4    
Austria 30,0    
Luxembourg      29,0    
Belgium 26,7    
Cuba    25,6    
Bulgaria        25,3    
Japan   24,3    
Denmark 24,3    
Poland  24,1    
Czech Republic  24,0    
New Zealand     23,6    
Germany 22,1    
Canada  21,5    
Romania 21,1    
Mauritius       20,6    
Sweden  20,0    
United States   19,3    
Norway  19,1    
Australia       19,0    
Ireland 17,9    
Kyrgyzstan      17,6    
Trinidad and Tobago     17,4    
Suriname        16,6    
Uruguay 16,6    
Iceland 16,4    
Hong Kong, China (SAR)  15,9    
El Salvador     15,6    
Guyana  14,6    
Korea, Rep. of  14,5    
China   14,3    
Singapore       14,3    
Netherlands     13,1    
Italy   12,7    
Spain   12,5    
Belize  12,0    
India   11,4    
United Kingdom  11,0    
Zimbabwe        10,6    
Argentina       10,6    
Portugal        10,3    
Chile   10,2    
Barbados        9,5     
Uzbekistan      9,3     
Venezuela       8,3     
Israel  8,2     
Turkmenistan    8,1     
Costa Rica      8,0     
Ecuador 6,4     
Malta   5,9     
Greece  5,7     
Thailand        5,6     
Brazil  5,6     
Colombia        5,5     
Georgia 5,4     
Mexico  5,4     
Tajikistan      5,1     
Nicaragua       4,7     
Armenia 3,6     
Paraguay        3,4     
Albania 2,9     
Philippines     2,5     
Bahamas 2,2     
Kuwait  1,8     
Azerbaijan      1,5     
Iran, Islamic Rep. of   0,3     
Antigua and Barbuda     0,0     
Saint Kitts and Nevis   0,0     
Dominican Republic      0,0     

Female suicide rates per 100.000 inhabitants and year

China           17,9    
Sri Lanka               16,6    
Hungary         15,6    
Cuba            14,9    
Estonia         14,1    
Slovenia                13,9    
Lithuania               13,7    
Russian Federation              13,7    
Switzerland             12,2    
Latvia          11,8    
Japan           11,5    
Croatia         11,3    
Belgium         11,0    
France          10,8    
Finland         10,7    
Austria         10,0    
Luxembourg              9,8     
Denmark         9,8     
Bulgaria                9,7     
Belarus         9,6     
Kazakhstan              9,5     
Ukraine         9,2     
Hong Kong, China (SAR)          9,1     
Sweden          8,5     
Germany         8,1     
Singapore               8,0     
India           8,0     
El Salvador             7,7     
Suriname                7,2     
Czech Republic          6,8     
Korea, Rep. of          6,7     
Guyana          6,5     
Netherlands             6,5     
Mauritius               6,4     
Moldova, Rep. of                6,2     
Norway          6,2     
New Zealand             5,8     
Canada          5,4     
Zimbabwe                5,2     
Australia               5,1     
Trinidad and Tobago             5,0     
Poland          4,6     
Ireland         4,6     
United States           4,4     
Romania         4,3     
Uruguay         4,2     
Italy           4,0     
Kyrgyzstan              3,8     
Iceland         3,8     
Spain           3,7     
Barbados                3,7     
Turkmenistan            3,4     
United Kingdom          3,2     
Uzbekistan              3,2     
Ecuador         3,2     
Portugal                3,1     
Argentina               2,9     
Israel          2,6     
Thailand                2,4     
Tajikistan              2,3     
Nicaragua               2,2     
Malta           2,1     
Georgia         2,0     
Venezuela               1,9     
Kuwait          1,9     
Costa Rica              1,8     
Albania         1,7     
Philippines             1,7     
Brazil          1,6     
Colombia                1,5     
Chile           1,4     
Greece          1,2     
Paraguay                1,2     
Mexico          1,0     
Armenia         1,0     
Belize          0,9     
Azerbaijan              0,3     
Iran, Islamic Rep. of           0,1     
Bahamas         0,0     
Antigua and Barbuda             0,0     
Saint Kitts and Nevis           0,0     
Dominican Republic              0,0     

These data could be promisingly used in macro-quantitative,
world-system-oriented research. Please also note the implicit, often high,
out of trend residual values for the female suicide rates in certain
countries (when you calculate the TREND values of female suicide rates, as
statistically predicted by male sucide rates). Not gender empowerment, but
gender depowerment under the influence of the spread of global capitalism,
once again?

Kind regards

Arno Tausch

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