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Re: wsn
by jdc
19 January 2001 00:36 UTC
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Richard & other WSN Folks,

First, let me add my name to the "scattered few" (viz. Andre Gunder Frank,
Steven Sherman, Tom Hall, and Daniel Pineu) in the last few days that are
expressing concern over the use/misuse of this email list.  It is certainly
good company to be in, and I share their concern.

Second, since I have not been an active "poster" to the list, you can assume
that I do represent a certain percentage of the "silent majority".  What that
percentage is, I make no claim.  However, I would think that you could infer
from the people asking to be unsubscribed that there might be a larger problem

Third, I offer as anecdotal evidence the following.  I was out of town for a
recent weekend, and unable to check e-mail.  Upon my return, I had more than
100 messages in my box, the VAST majority from this listserve.  Upon scanning
through the messages, I subjectively determined that "useful" messages were
outnumbered by less useful/totally uninteresting messages by a ratio of about
20 to 1.  One would think that this should speak for itself, as most of you
are undoubtedly experiencing the same thing.  Unfortunately, that does not
seem to be the case.

Therefore, I would like to echo the proposition that members limit themselves
to one post per day.  Look at it as an opportunity to mull over your thoughts
and condense them into a singular, well-crafted bit of commentary that will
not be lost in the deluge of mediocrity that is currently overwhelming this

I truly believe that the WSN listserve has the potential to be an invaluable
tool for building the WS community and promoting the exchange of insight and
critique.  However, its current status is closer to that of an
annoyance.  Please, and I ask as a personal favor, help me change this.


Jon D. Carlson

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Richard K. Moore wrote:

> 1/18/2001, Threehegemons@aol.com wrote:
>     > ...or attempts to understand ways the world systems framework
>       should be revised in light of current events
> Whew!  Nice to know that dissent from orthodoxy is
> acceptable within a group devoted to discussing a particular
> theoretical framework.
> Personally, I don't mind deleting things, and I like the
> diversity of issues discussed.  I too would like to see more
> substantive discussion of world-system theory; but since
> that seems to be sparse, what's wrong with people talking
> about what interests them?
> On the other hand, if there is a general group consensus,
> and only a minority are out of bounds, that should be respected
> by the minority.  So far, however, we've only heard from a 
> scattered few.
> rkm

Jon D. Carlson
Doctoral Candidate
Arizona State University
Dep't of Political Science
P.O. Box 872001
Tempe, AZ  85287-2001

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