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a20: Quebec, April 20, 2001 - INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION.
by Marguerite M Hampton
11 January 2001 20:09 UTC
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a20: Quebec, April 20 2001 -  Get ready for the next International Day of
April 18-22 Celebrate the FTAA in Quebec - The Free Trade Area of the
Americas: "think NAFTA on steroids." This trade pact extends the impact
of NAFTA to the rest of Central and South America, in a hemispheric "race
to the bottom." http://www.a20.org , http://www.quebec2001.org  (about
the FTAA: http://www.tradewatch.org)

Canadian police have made an early start in insulating the power brokers
from the growing voices of dissent, in what the Associated Press reports
as "one of the largest security operations in Canadian history" 

January 27-28 - Quebec City, a face-to-face Consulta organizing meeting
will bring together groups and individuals to discuss action strategies
and strengthen anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian networks of
resistance, under the principles developed together by the Summit of the
Americas Welcoming Committee/Le Comité d'Accueil du Sommet des Amériques
(CASA, Quebec City) la_casa2001@hotmail.com, and the Anti-Capitalist
Convergence/La Convergence des luttes anti-capitalistes (CLAC, Montreal) 
http://www.quebec2001.org  Info: casa_clac_consulta@hotmail.com or
clac@tao.ca, 514-526-8946

January 26-28 - Concordia University in Montreal, the Colour Of
Resistance / Teach-in 2001: Globalization in the Americas will look
critically at issues of representation, race and identity as it applies
to the anti-globalization movement - building a spirit of genuine
solidarity while rejecting the paternalism of multicultural approaches.
Topics: immigration, refugees, migrant workers, racism and
representation, the prison industrial complex, police brutality,
solidarity movements, more. Contact jaggi@tao.ca 514-526-8946.

Community activists in Kingston ON are inviting all FTAA opponents to
take part in a border action caravan to "fight against international
capital every inch of the way." Contact Smash FTAA 
http://www.tao.ca/~kdawg/smashftaa.html , ON/NY regional listserve: send
an email with "Smash FTAA' in the subject line to msilburn@kingston.net

InaugurAuction: Washington DC - The Crowning of King George
January 20: Festive preparations are underway for the royal crowning in
the US. Various groups have promised bands of stilt-walkers, a huge
crown, and 20 foot pennant banners. Get involved! http://www.j20.org

In a stunning victory the Washington Post reports that "one group that
was involved in demonstrations against the World Bank in April has
permits to assemble at choice locations including Freedom Plaza, the
sidewalk at the Justice Department and McPherson Square."

Florida - March for Farmworker Justice
January 13-14, march from Quincy to Tallahassee. Contact the Coalition of
Immokalee Workers, Greg Asbed: coaimmwkr@aol.com 941-657-8311

On the road:
In February and March 2001 the Turning Point Road Show will be touring
the American southeast (FL, GA, SC, NC, VI, KT, AL, MS, TN). Focusing on
corporate globalization as well as the secret negotiations currently to
construct the FTAA. Info, or to schedule a stop in your town:

From February 12 to March 3, starting from the New England states and
continuing south to the Washington DC area, CASA and CLAC are organizing
teach-ins and events in an Anti-FTAA Tour and Caravan to the Northeast
U$A. Host a stop in your area: contact us vite!: clac@tao.ca or

Call To Action (CtA) Spring 2001 tour - Skills and issues workshops
focusing on the FTAA and its poster-child: Citigroup. If your group is
interested in tackling the prison industrial complex, third world debt,
forest destruction and predatory lending as well as expanding your
organizing skills, then bring us to your town. Contact:
campaigns@calltoaction.org 503-804-9378 http://www.calltoaction.org

Through March and April, ending in Quebec City April 15-21, Rights Action
will be traveling with community human rights and development activists
from Honduras, Guatemala and Chiapas through the US and Canada, speaking
in public educational forums. Info, or to schedule a stop: Rights Action,
formerly Guatemala Partners, Grahame Russell 416-654-2074
info@rightsaction.org http://www.rightsaction.org

Calendar http://www.a20.org/calendar.cfm
Enter your event online http://www.a20.org/form_calendar.cfm

News you may have missed
Chiapas, January 8 - Their faces covered by ski-masks and red kerchiefs,
the men and women of this Zapatista community marched defiantly down the
misty mountain highway towards the hated military base. When the Indians,
numbering about 800, arrived at the camp in Jolnachoj they peeled back
the fences, cut the communication cables so that reinforcements could not
be summoned, and then - chanting "Chiapas Is Not A Military Base! Get The
Army Out Of Here!" they advanced as one on the retreating troops, calling
upon them to clear out post-haste. Listserve send an email to:

Columbia - An escalation of US military activity is being observed on the
eve of the official implementation of the so-called "Plan Colombia," the
Pentagon-inspired program of increased U.S. military intervention in the
Colombian government's counterinsurgency war  http://www.workers.org

Switzerland - The annual meeting of global big cheeses in Davos will
occur at the end of January. Tune in to  http://www.indymedia.org  for

WTO Weakened - Reporting on the continuing Seattle fallout, the Seattle
Times (January 2) identifies a trend that "could pose a greater threat to
the World Trade Organization than even the wildest hopes of its
opponents." WTO director general Micheal Moore calls is a "growing
danger." Increasingly, the 140 members of the WTO are entering into
smaller-scale trade accords among themselves, a context more apt to
protect labor and environmental standards than the multilateral
liberalization represented by the WTO.

On Thanksgiving day, Washington DC housing activists with a homeless
family occupied a house in Northeast Washington DC to fix it up and make
it permanent housing for the family. A month and a half later they're
still there.   http://www.homesnotjails.org Realaudio interview:

Northern California / Situation Critical - Maxxam/Pacific Lumber (PL) has
begun clearcutting the second largest intact stand of lowland old-growth
Douglas Fir in California

More News and Events:
Jan 27-28 National Conference on Organized Resistance Washington DC USA


International Contact List:  http://www.a16.org/a16_network.cfm

--Steven Doll steven@a16.org

From the combined e-mail lists of
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Marguerite Hampton
Executive Director - Turtle Island Institute

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