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Re: Asia and Transition to Empire?
by Richard K. Moore
10 January 2001 20:24 UTC
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1/10/2001, Boles (office) wrote:
    > If the US has a virtual monopoly on the guns and has
    discovered a way to use that power to channel capital to US
    coffers to sustain that power in a self-feeding loop, then
    indeed the rules of the game have changed. It may be that
    the US Mafioso-racket is only a lever toward empire or
    characteristics of real chaos of a transition.  But it is
    among the manifestations indicating that we are entering a
    new game.  For this and the reasons that Negri and Hardt
    cite, the possiblity of Empire formation -- and what it may
    look like -- is worth consideration.
amen & well said,

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