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Re: <fwd> The Imminent Militarisation of the European Union
by wwagar
05 January 2001 04:11 UTC
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Dear WSN,

        It does help--a little, at least--to know something about the
history of the world.  To know about the aggressions of Vikings, Mongols,
Aztecs, Aryans, Manchus, Moguls, Arabs, Hebrews, Romans, Carthaginians,
Arabs, Greeks, English, Spanish, Japanese, Zulus, in fact almost every
damned race and ethnicity on the face of our planet, all ruthless in their
turn, all bloodthirsty, all bent on bending others to their will.

        None of this excuses anyone, not the 21st-Century E.U., not the
West, not the North, not the East, not the South.  Let us just accept the
truth, that we are all complicit in rapine and slaughter, and that we must
try to begin again, and build the Human Commonweal.  I don't recall that
Karl Marx spared anyone from their just condemnation.  Neither should we.  


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