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Journal Announcement from Chris Chase-Dunn

by Peter Grimes

08 August 2000 06:09 UTC

Title: FW: Journal announcement: Historical Materialism 4
H I S T O R I C A L   M A T E R I A L I S M

r e s e a r c h   i n   c r i t i c a l   m a r x i s t   t h e o r y

"Historical Materialism is already among the most highly regarded journals in Marxian theory published in any language. In an age of increasing specialization, it is committed to high quality articles from across a broad range of disciplines. If a resurgence of Marxian thinking occurs in the twenty-first century, Historical Materialism will deserve a good part of the credit."

­ Tony Smith (author, Dialectical Social Theory and its Critics, 1993)

Issue 4 of Historical Materialism features the long-awaited first part of a symposium on the recent global economic instabilities and Robert Brenner's new theory of their historical basis.  This unique multidisciplinary debate brings together some of the world's leading Marxist commentators, including Alex Callinicos, Guglielmo Carchedi, Simon Clarke, Gerard Dumenil and Dominique Levy, Chris Harman, David Laibman, Michael Lebowitz, Fred Moseley, Murray Smith, and Ellen Meiksins Wood. The debate will be concluded in Issue 5 later in the year, featuring further contributions from Werner Bonefeld, Francois Chesnais, Alan Freeman, Michel Husson, Anwar Shaikh, Tony Smith, Richard Walker, and John Weeks.

In addition Issue 4 continues the lively and refreshing mix of essays and reviews that makes Historical Materialism both and essential resource and a pleasure to read: a fascinating history of the distorted reception of Lenin's What Is To Be Done? by the late Hal Draper, never before published; an extended defence by Tony Smith of the Hegelian Marxism revival against John Rosenthal's recent polemic; and a reviews section that ranges from British Communism to American pragmatism to Australian trade unionism. At 320 pages this issue of Historical Materialism is our biggest yet - and with a cover price of £8 and subscriptions for less, incredibly good value.  Full details of how to subscribe can be found below.

­ John Weeks (author, A Critique of Neoclassical Economics, 1989)

F U L L   C O N T E N T S

Symposium: Robert Brenner and the World Crisis (Part 1)
Alex Callinicos: 'Capitalism, Competition and Profits:A Critique of Robert Brenner's Theory of Crisis'
Gugliemlo Carchedi: 'A Missed Opportunity: Orthodox Versus Marxist Crises Theories'
Simon Clarke: 'Capitalist Competition and the Tendency to Overproduction: Comments on Brenner's "Uneven Development and the Long Downturn"'
Gerard Dumenil and Dominique Levy: 'Brenner on Distribution'
Chris Harman: 'Footnotes and Fallacies: A Comment on Robert Brenner's "The Economics of Global Turbulence"'
David Laibman: 'Perspectives on Brenner'
Michael A. Lebowitz: 'In Brenner, Everything is Reversed'
Fred Moseley: 'The Decline of the Rate of Profit in the Post-war United States Economy:Due to Increased Competition or Increased Unproductive Labour?'
Murray Smith: 'The Necessity of Value Theory:Brenner's Analysis of the "Long Downturn" and Marx's Theory of Crisis'
Ellen Meiksins Wood: 'Horizontal Relations: A Note on Brenner's Heresy'
Alan Johnson: 'Introduction: Hal Draper: A Biographical Sketch'
Hal Draper: 'The Myth of Lenin's "Concept of Party":Or What They Did to "What Is To Be Done"'
Tony Smith: 'The Relevance of Systematic Dialetics to Marxism Thought: A Reply to Rosenthal'
Matthew Worley on Recent British Communist History
Edwin A. Roberts on Praxis American Style
Charles Post on Terence J. Byres
Alan Wald on Michael Lowy
Rick Kuhn on David Peetz
Conference Report
Emma Bircham on 'Historical Materialism and Globalisation' at Warwick, 1999

­ Sean Sayers (author Marxism and Human Nature, 1998)

Send a cheque, international money order, or credit card payment with full contact details (including email) to:
The Editors
Historical Materialism
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE

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Historical Materialism
Research in Critical Marxist Theory

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The Editors
Historical Materialism
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE

B A C K   I S S U E S

- Historical Materialism 1, Winter 1997 -
Ellen Meiksins Wood 'The Non-History of Capitalism'  Colin Barker 'Reflections on Two Books by Ellen Wood'  Esther Leslie 'Woman&Ware, Craving&Corpse in Benjamin's Arcades Project'  John Weeks 'The Law of Value and the Analysis of Underdevelopment'  Tony Smith 'The Neoclassical and Marxian Theories of Technology: A Critical Assessment'  Michael Lebowitz 'The Silences of Capital'  John Holloway 'A Note on Alienation'  Peter Burnham 'Globalisation: States, Markets and Class Relations'  Fred Moseley 'The Rate of Profit and Economic Stagnation in the United States Economy'  reviews by Matthew Beaumont on Ernst Bloch, Benno Teschke on Guy Bois, Peter Linebaugh on Robin Blackburn.

- Historical Materialism 2, Summer 1998 -
China Miéville 'The Conspiracy of Architecture'  Gregory Elliott 'Velocities of Change'  Andrew Chitty 'Recognition and Social Relations of Production'  Michael Neary & Graham Taylor 'Marx and the Magic of Money'  Paul Burkett 'A Critique of Neo-Malthusian Marxism'  Slavoj Zizek 'Risk Society and its Discontents'  reviews by Geoff Kay on Freeman & Carchedi,  Ben Watson on Adorno & music,  Mike Haynes on Popular Violence & the Russian Revolution, Elmar Altvater on David Harvey,  Martin Jenkins on Althusser & Psychoanalysis,  Henning Teschke on the Amsterdam Benjamin Conference, Esther Leslie.on Walter Benjamin.

- Historical Materialism 3, Spring 1999 -
Sympolium on Leninism and political organisation, featuring: Simon Clarke 'The Populist Roots of Marxism-Leninism'  Howard Chodos & Colin Hay 'So the Party's Over? Marxism and Political Strategy after "the Fall"'  John Molyneux 'How Not To Write About Lenin'  Alan Shandro 'Political Action, Context and Conjuncture: Thinking About Political Organisation'  Jonathan Joseph, 'Realistic Organisation?'  Peter Hudis 'Dialectics, the Party, and the Problem of the New Society: A Marxist-Humanist Perspective'  John Ehrenberg 'Problems of Leninism'  Plus Paul Burkett 'A Response to Benton's Ecological Critique of Marx'  Werner Bonefeld The Politics of Novelty  reviews by Michael Lebowitz on Felton Shortall, Gareth Dale on East Germany, Adrian Budd on Kim Moody, Giles Peaker on John Roberts, Christ Bertram on Marcus Roberts, Ken Hammond on Gabriel Kolko.

C O M I N G   S O O N

- Historical Materialism 5, Winter 1999 -
The new debate on Brenner: Part 2, including Werner Bonefeld: 'Competion, Capitalist Crises, & Class'  Francois Chesnais: 'Over-Capacity & Finance Capital'  Alan Freeman: 'Crisis & the Poverty of Nations'  Michel Husson: 'Surfing on the Long Wave'  Anwar Shaikh: 'The Post-War Economic Crisis'  Tony Smith: 'Brenner & Crisis Theory: Issues in Systematic & Historical Dialectics'  Richard Walker: 'Capitalism's Recurrent Self-Criticism'  John Weeks: 'Surfing the Troubled Waters of Global Turbulence'  Plus Deborah Cook, 'Critical Stratagems in Adorno & Habermas'   Geoff Kay, 'Abstract Labour & Capital'  Craig Brandist, 'Ethics, Politics & the Potential of Dialogism'  Felton Shortall, 'Reply to Lebowitz'  reviews including Noel Castree on Castells, Gregor Gall on organising labour, John Gubbay on Erik Olin Wright, Alan Johnson on Third Camp Marxism, Jonathan Joseph on Derrida, Sean Sayers on late Marx.

Planned for future issues: new work by Andrew Brown  Tony Burns  Chik Collins  Andrew Kliman  Patrick Murray  Gert Reuten  John Roberts  Wal Suchting  Enzo Traverso  Jatin Wagle  Michael Williams

Historical Materialism - research in critical marxist theory

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