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Re: Imperialism and poverty

by Georges Drouet

12 July 2000 14:56 UTC

I think the idea of putting an end to capitalism is obsolete. We are in a
system in which alternatives are limited if we want to avoid a new world
war, or, at least, something similar to what is now happening in Africa:
civil wars directly linked to economical interests. Soon another very
sensitive point  will be an argument for wars, it's water control...

What we need to find is a solution acceptable by all the parts involved, we
need to create a consensus around worldwide proposals intended to develop a
sustainable future and, sorry for the partisans of political confrontation,
we are pretty short of time.

For the ones who know SP, I want to apologize to be like a parrot, but I
want to ask again if you have checked out the Simultaneous Policy
proposals? It's a simple and reliable idea: policies which cannot be
implemented unilaterally by one country because of the threat of job flight
and/or currency devaluation can be implemented by all the nations together
on a same time after a adoption stage.

This very efficient idea is the bedrock of SP, you will found all the
details in our website: http:www.simpol.org.

By the way, if you want to distribute money to an association working for a
sustainable future, I mean building a real framework to promote peace and
equity, you may earn that money and open a SP delegation in your
university, your office, your town, your political party or promote SP with
your friends and the newspapers you are working with.

Our initiative is totally open to the feedback of the participants, thus
your feedback is welcome and we have a special page called "Your Ideas" in
which you can propose new concepts to be included in the SP proposals.

Thank you.

>What organization do you recommend we contribute our money to?
>Andrew Austin
>Knoxville, TN
>On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Paul Gomberg wrote:
>>By donating to an organization which would put an end to capitalism and
>>the horrors it creates for so many.
>>On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Andrew Wayne Austin
>>> Paul,
>>> If you would, tell me how the resources that might be used to feed hungry
>>> children would be better spent.
>>> Andrew Austin
>>> Knoxville TN

Georges Drouet
28, place Morichar  1060 Bruxelles


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