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Stalinist death toll

by Cedric Beidatsch

03 May 2000 15:58 UTC

Hello Tom and Francisco,
Thank you for your request for sources. I think by sending this to the wsn address the whole group gets to see it - I'm something of an internet amateur.
My source for the numbers is a review article in an Australian publication. The article was" A moral and statistical reckoning'' by Paul Monk in Quadrant July August 1999 pp. 31 to 38. The review was of the works of a scholar Stephen Wheatcroft who was conducted archival research in the former USSR since 1990. SOme of hisworks cited were: "Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret police: The comparability and reliability of archival data - not the last word" in Europe - Asia Studies vol. 51, No.2 1999; "Soviet statistics of Nutrition and mortality during times of famine 1917 - 1922 and 1931 - 1933" in Cahiers du monde russe vol. 38, no. 4 October / December 1997 and a further (untitled in my source) joint article by Zemskov, Getty and Ritterspoon in American Historical Review June 1994.
The figures quoted in my article are:
3.5 million deaths in the collectivisation and dekulakisation famines of the early 1930s (compared to 19.5 mill estimated by Robert Conquest in The Harvest of Sorrow;
37,843 death sentences from a total of 826,568 people sentneced for political reasons during the same period (1929 1933);
681,692 death sentences from 1,344,923 political sentences during the great terror years (1937-1938) (Conquest's The Great Terror estimated about 1 mill executions and 8 mill sentenced to gulags);
1.5 million gulag prisoners at the peak in 1941with a death rate of around 7% per annum in the camps, for a total of 1.2 to 1.5 million deaths over about 20 years (1929 - 1953). Again estimates by the established scholar of the stalinist terrors Robert Conquest were for 12 million deaths in the camps.
 So all up about 700,000 shot, another 3.5 deaths as a consequence of famine and 1.2 million in the camps - a long way from the usual figures of 20 million plus thrown around. Note that the late 1990s published Livre noir du communisme was claiming upwards of 85 million deaths under communism (though I think they were lumping civil war casulaties, Chinese figures and the appalling Pol Pot experience in as well).
Anyway, the figures while horrible enough, are a whole order of magnitude different to the common myth. Certainly suffcicient to reinforce the point made in Ismail's posting about where most atrocities have occurred.
For your information, Quadrant is a right wing magazine in Australia. The editor is a well known neo liberal publicist and the journal was originally set up and published in 1950s by the Australian branch of the Congress for Cultural Freedom which was in turn funded by the CIA. I felt this background almost gave the figures added credibility...
Regards to all,
Cedric Beidatsch
Perth, Western Australia

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