World Labour Report 1997-98
Industrial relations, democracy and social stability
ISBN 92-2-110331-5 (English)
ISBN 92-2-210331-9 (French)
ISBN 92-2-310331-2 (Spanish)
Sw.Frs. 45, $40, £24
Traditionally, relations among employers and their associations, workers
through their trade unions, and sometimes the public authorities have performed
an economic function: ensuring a harmonious balance in production and the
distribution of the fruits of growth. They also have two other objectives
that were less apparent in the past : a social objective (ensuring that
everyone who wishes to work is integrated into civil society) and a democratic
objective (giving workers their say in professional life). More recently,
there has been trend towards greater independence of enterprises
and more individualized labour relationships. The ability of occupational
organizations to act is being questioned, union membership is down, employers
associations are
facing difficulties, and the usefulness of collective bargaining is
being challenged. The result - the disruption and marginalization of industrial
World Labour Report 1997-98 examines the relevance and limits of the social
forces that are bringing about these profound changes in industrial
relations. It outlines conclusions that are significant today and prospects
for the
future. The Report draws attention to a whole range of mechanisms
that govern relations between employers and the organized workforce. It
provides a reflection of the effort that has been made to adapt the structures,
venues, and strategies to the new economic reality and to its international
Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222