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[Fwd: [a16-international-planning] April 16 outreach booklet is ready!]

by christopher chase-dunn

06 March 2000 19:44 UTC


Want to learn more about the institutions which control the global economy? 
Don't miss "False Profits: Who wins/who loses when the IMF, World Bank and 
WTO come to town."

Mobilizing people to come to DC for the April Days of Action? This highly 
readable, 24-page booklet inspires readers to take action.

Holding a teach-in leading up to April 16? "False Profits" has the facts 
and the analysis and puts them in must-read-to-the-end language.

A small selection of the materials included:

* Sweating for Nike: How World Bank and IMF policies contributed to a drop 
in income for Nike shoe workers in Indonesia - from $2.46 a day to about 
$1.00 a day.

* Teaching Poverty: How structural adjustment is destroying educational 
systems around the world - guaranteeing more poverty for generations to 

* Trading Freely in Hunger: How increased "free trade" in food contributes 
to an increase in global hunger.

* Corporate Welfare Queens: How the World Bank is pumping money into the 
pockets of oil giants through a pipeline project which is causing 
environmental and social havoc in Africa.

* Taking on the WTO: Continuing what we began in Seattle.

To order "False Profits: Who wins/who loses when the IMF, World Bank and 
WTO come to town":

Send mail orders to:
Booklets/Campaign for Labor Rights
1247 "E" Street SE
Washington, DC 20003


For Visa/MasterCard/Discover payment, contact:
Campaign for Labor Rights
Phone: 541/344-5410
Fax: 541/431-0523
Email: <CLR@igc.org>
and provide:
Your name exactly as it appears on your card
Credit card number
Expiration date

Quantity        Price/copy      Postage
1               $1.45           55 cents
2-10              1.00          $3.00 Priority
11-24             1.00          $5.00 UPS
25-99             1.00          Call Campaign for Labor Rights
100 +               .75         Call Campaign for Labor Rights

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