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rejoinder on Drake

by Tausch, Arno

08 February 2000 08:55 UTC

Dear Mike,

I think you got it wrong - you simply did not read the article to the end. I
learnt over the years that even ideological opponents have something
important to say sometimes. I think the piece is excellent.

Look: the guy's interesting argument is his economic analysis - his powerful
prediction about more and more ... 

Let me not answer your corrosion thing at the end although I should state
that - as far back as 1979 I already fairly precisely predicted things to
happen, let alone my pieces in, say, 1986) - click the other mentioned
discussion sources, especially at the bottom, to leave that corrosion thing
behind (only for some people things are easier to state at present than for
others). So, what is the MORAL VON DER GESCHICHT? The morale of that story?
We should care about the economic contradictions, created by
turbo-capitalism, when we want to analyse the political structures to come.
Polanyi is more relevant than ever before. I think our readers in countries
like Poland will enjoy the analysis proposed by Harrigan. 

On my desk, there is a thoughtful photograph that accompanied the
publication of Lutwak's article in Corriere dela Serra on European Monetary
Union and Euromonetarism. I simply do not care about the role played by
Lutwak under Reagan here: he's right in predicting havoc created by
euromonetarism, and on onwe point, he has something very important to say.
The photo shows the director of the Bank of Italy throwing a coin to a
beggar, seated on the streets of Rome. That, dear Mike, is Europe 2000, and
it is time to debate these structures.

Kind regards

Arno Tausch

for the record: AT on the political economy of small European countries:

(1976 coll. in.:/ FABRIS H.H./ KREUZHUBER H.) 'Das Internationale Jahr der
Frau 1975 und die Darstellung von Frauenthemen in den oesterreichischen
Massenmedien' Bundesministerium fuer Soziale Verwaltung, Staatsdruckerei L
61 33 3 37/F/F/O, Vienna: 69-73

(1977a) 'Ist der Kapitalismus tot? Zur Verelendung in Oesterreich' in 'Armut
in Oesterreich' (JG in der SPOe Steiermark/Erklaerung von Graz fuer
solidarische Entwicklung (Eds.)) Leykam, Graz: 66-100

(1977b) 'Neuere Literatur zur Verteilungstheorie' Oesterreichische
Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft, 6, 3: 355-358

(1978) 'Nicht nur der Artikel 7' Mladje-Literatura in Kritika, 29: 58-90

(1979) 'Weltweite Armut' in 'Christliche Markierungen' (DOTTER F. et al.
(Eds.)) Europa, Vienna: 137-170

(1980, together with O. HÖLL) Austria and the European Periphery in
'European Studies of Development' (J. de BANDT J./MANDI P./SEERS D. (Eds.))
Macmillan, London: 28-37

(1981a) 'Waffenschmiede Oesterreich?' Zukunft, 12: 22-24

(1981b) 'Burgermark - Der Burgerstimmenanteil auf Gemeindeebene und
Bezirksebene' Journal fuer Sozialforschung, 21, 3: 265-283

(1982) 'Ruestung und Lebensbedingungen in der Dritten Welt' in 'Ruestung
und Oekonomie' (SONNTAG Ph. (Ed.)) Haag und Herchen, Frankfurt a.M.: 176-188

(1983a) 'Neueste Tendenzen im internationalen Waffenhandel' Zukunft, 5:

(1983b) 'Wie die Industrielaender die Dritte Welt ausbeuten' Arbeit und
Wirtschaft, 37, 4: 24-28

(1983c) 'Erzwungene Technologie - Abhaengigkeit, Ruestung und Konsum in
Osteuropa. Reflexionen ueber Intelligence Research und die amerikanische
Aussenpolitik' Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft, 4:

(1986a) 'Austria. Shadows from the Past' Economic and Political Weekly
(Bombay), 21, 52, Dec. 27: 2264

(1986b) 'Windstille' The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 4:
147 - 148 (Book Review)

(1986c) ''Die Aufgabe in Richtung gegen das Slawentum' Zur NS-Reichsidee der
Waldheim-Dissertation 1944' Alternative (Bolzano), 5, 6: 9. 06. 1986: 7

(1987) 'Waldheim jaka itaevaltaa' YDIN (Helsinki), 6: 22-25

(1989) 'Noricum und kein Ende' Zukunft, 9: 17-19

(1990) 'Bruno Kreisky' Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 25, 33,
August 18: 1826

(1991a) 'Amerikanisiert die Universitäten. Die Hochschulreform bleibt auf
der politischen Tagesordnung' Zukunft, 8: 5-9

(1991b) 'Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien. Sozialtransformationen und
der Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklungsforschung'. Grenzen und Horizonte
(Eds. G. AMMON, H. REINWALD, H.A. STEGER) Eberhard, Muenchen (second

(1992) 'Leise stirbt die Alma Mater. Die Reformpläne Buseks' Zukunft, 2: 5 -

(1993a) 'Produktivkraft soziale Gerechtigkeit? Europa und die Lektionen des
pazifischen Modells'. Eberhard, Muenchen

(1993b; coauthor: Fred PRAGER) 'Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World
Development'. Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press

(1993c) ""Kanadisierung" der Einwanderungspolitik. Die Grundlage der
oesterreichischen "Auslaenderpolitik"" Zukunft, 12: 15 - 19

(1997)  'Schwierige Heimkehr. Sozialpolitik, Migration, Transformation, und
die Osterweiterung der Europaeischen Union' Munich: Eberhard

(1998a) 'Transnational Integration and National Disintegration.' Electronic
publication at the World Systems Archive Working Paper Series (Coordinator:
Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, Johns Hopkins University),

(1998b) 'Globalization and European Integration' Electronic book publication
at the World Systems Archive (Coordinator: Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, Johns
Hopkins University)

(1999) Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences (edited volume, together
with Andreas Müller OFM and Paul Zulehner; with contributions by Samir Amin
et. al) Commack, New York: Nova Science

Further writings (Book reviews, political statements)

appeared among others in the following journals

Alternative (Bolzano)

Arbeit und Wirtschaft (Vienna)

Arbeiterzeitung (Vienna)

Die Gemeinde (Official Journal of the Jewish Congregation, Vienna)

Die Linke (Vienna)

Die Zukunft (Vienna)

Emanzipation und Partnerschaft (Innsbruck)

Informationen über multinationale Konzerne (Vienna)

Stellungnahmen der katholischen Sozialakademie Österreichs (Vienna)

Wiener Tagebuch (Vienna)

YDIN (Helsinki)

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